Discussion: Ben Carson Has 'Concerns' About First GOP Debate Polling Requirement

Instead of ten let’s go with fifteen, but the five now included have to debate the Democratic candidates. There will be plenty of room on the D stage and the R responses would add a most interesting variety to the debate.


I think it would be great for the GOP debates to feature 40 or 50 wacko Republican candidates. Yes indeed. The more the merrier. Let the voters marvel at the diverse insanity of the Grand Old Party.

yes please oh please let all of those backwards idgits on stage talk about comedy gold…john stewart will have material till he leaves the show

boy would that be fun to see

“I am writing you today about an issue that concerns me greatly,”

He’s right. It does concern him greatly. He has little chance of getting the poll numbers needed.

Put my name in the poll and I’d get better than 2%

And thistle, too.