Discussion: Ben Carson Goes There Again, Claims Obamacare Is Worse Than 9/11

Discussion for article #223551

Is a fart “worse” than a belch? Is a cut “worse” than a bruise? Is Benghazi worse than chronic back pain?. Why are we getting reports about the subjective ramblings of an ideologue?


I’m really starting to believe that Ben Carson is in the beginning stages of Dementia.


Or he is thinking about running for office. Sort of the same thing, though…


Someone needs to sit Dr. Carson down and explaint to him exactly what the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is since he obviously hasn’t got a clue. Under the ACA, the same people control access to healthcare as before. Medicare is controlled by the federal government, Medicaid and CHIP programs are run by the states (with federal funding), and healthcare for those not in these programs is controlled by private, for-profit insurance companies. The main effect of the ACA is that it places some patient-friendly limitations on private insurers.


His next words will be…Who am I? Why am I here?

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Dr. Ben Carson has called Obamacare the “worst thing that’s happened in this nation since slavery” – but in a recent interview with The Daily Beast, the Tea Party favorite claimed that the health care law was worse than even the 9/11 terror attacks.

Worse than slavery, worse than 9/11, is private, affordable healthcare.

Yeah, Ben, you overreached big time, and nobody will take those comments serious but other ass-clown just like you. Sealed loop.


It appears that dear Dr. Ben is in need of a very competent neurosurgeon? Perhaps the great one retired one patient too soon.

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It is clear to me and Ben Carson that everything is worse than everything. And better too

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Now, is he supposed to be a doctor?

Do they give phds out in cereal boxes in Republican land? This guy is a clown. Not a doctor.

African American screwball goes against the grain and talks as though he Hates Himself. It gets people angry. It gets racists smug and more self-satisfied. It makes news. It gets the people who handle Mr. Carson paid (along with Carson himself).

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Oh, and reading that he thinks the problems with the VA are a gift from God.

Fuck You, Ben Carson. You are inhuman.


It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to know that raising the specter of Alinsky totally makes your point for you. Like, totally.

The sad thing is, we of course know that BENGHAZI is way worse than Obamacare and slavery put together.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Dr. Carson juxtaposes the ACA with Dr. Joseph Mengele if he hasn’t already.

OK Maxie.

Just for the record alright?

“® stupid”? Knows not race.
Evidence-- that though there ARE far less AA ®s?
The level of ® stupidity is equivalent across racial (and gender; Malkin anyone?) divisions.


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Another physician loon. Why even report these rantings?

Gotta wonder how anyone with his intelligence in an IQ sense could be so lacking in awareness of what’s coming out of his month.
Again, shows that judgement is not correlated with IQ.

He is not only selling a book but in the process, a complete public meltdown, his soul. Is there a good doctor in the house?

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For the trillionth fucking time, ACA (Obamacare) is market-oriented health care reform. It is NOT government-run healthcare, you fucking deliberately dimwitted douchebag.


well they do have access to all the most potent drugs…and they seem to take a lot of them…it must have will rant incoherantly on the lable

I was watching TRMS last night and caught a couple plays of his latest grift ad.

Good use of the rubes money to spend it on primetime MSNBC commercial space. Proceed.

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