Discussion: Ben Carson Calls For Investigation Of Muslim Guests Attending State Of The Union

Discussion for article #244557

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The irony here is that Carson’s criticism/statement is 100% un-American.


And Ben Carson’s opinion on what’s smart carries much weight.


Ben, no one and I mean no one, gives a rodent’s patootie what you think. Go somewhere and sit down!


Dear Benny; Please do STFU you silly ignorant laughable moran. Thanks!


Just an irrelevant bid for attention for a past-sell-by-date has-been. How’s it feel, Dr?


Isn’t it the right of Muslims to convert Christians to their faith if they can do it? It is certainly the right of Christians to listen to Muslim attempts at doing it, or to do it on their own with no prodding. Our country grants citizens the right to choose how they live, what they believe, what religion they adhere to and what they do for a living, within the confines of the law. If we eventually become a majority Muslim nation through citizens voluntarily and freely exercising that choice that is the essence of America, right?


No…Franklin Graham and the rest of the nutcase christian right have already thrown out the entire basis of Christianity to exclude one black guy, who amusingly enough is far more of a christian than most of them will ever be. Extending that to the rest of the scary moozlems isn’t much of a stretch.


It is also the right of Christians to convert to Islam. It is also the right for either Muslims or Christians to join reality and become atheists. Carson is simply a bigoted grifter POS.


We have got to be smarter than that."

No sweat there Ben, we got that covered.


I don’t know why he’s still trying to one-up the rest of the bigots in the GOP Presidential race. He’s virtually done a free fall and is now sitting somewhere on the musty basement floor in this race, not to mention that his campaign staff have all abandoned him. Yet still, he’s desperate for attention and this is a sure-fire way these assholes get it…by spouting the most offensive shit that transits their puny little brains.

Give it up Carson. They were never going to put a black man for any length of time at or near the head of the GOP race. The guy is toast, just like Jeb!, and just like Paul, Fiorina and Christie.


Carson is bailing water INTO the vessel of his sinking campaign!!


If there were a doG, BC would be a smoking, smoldering mess…

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“saying their actions are “not pro-American.””

So, since that statement applies to the entirety of the Republican Party, I’m presuming we should at a minimum ban any Republicans from entering tonight?


Right, because this nation is SOOOOoooo primed and ready to become a Muslim nation ruled by Sharia law. It will only take a few Muslims coming to the SOTU address to finally turn the tide.


Hate to admit it, but Carson has a point.

After all, Egypt is primarily a Muslim country.

And Egypt has the Pyramids.

Therefore, Muslims must be the ones covering up the massive stores of grain found in said Pyramids.


But what about the western end of the Vegas strip?


What’s going on with comments on some of the stories. I am unable to comment on several stories. Are you having this problem. I sent an email to TPM

I dunno. Looks like you can find a lot of silicon there, not sure about grain.

Carson would s**t if he saw all the Muslims that attend my gym. Why are they lifting weights?!! Why are they getting in shape?! Look at those big, strong muscles, what do they intend to do with them?! They’re training!!! For something!!! Ahhhh!!! Run away!!!