Every so often TPM messes up their article posts and the Javascript link to the comments section is broken (it shows a ‘void’ code in the link when you mouse over it) and doesn’t work.
More evience that Carson is neither Christian nor American.
I see the javascript void message a lot, I try it again and sooner or later it’s working
Just like Donny ; becoming a sad old man .
To the brain damaged, carson makes a lot of sense. Clearly the key to his success in his former career was the cognitive capacity of his patients.
The man is fucking dumb.
I’ve had that problem for over a week on new articles. Sometimes the first two or three new articles in a row…and then later its resolved. My browser tells me its a javascript error of some sort.
Also, I had a problem connecting this morning to some of the site, especially the comment section, due to a time out and the server taking too long to access the page. Don’t know if that’s at my end or theirs on that one though. The intertubes may be frozen at my end like some water pipes if you don’t keep them running somehow. Wait…I’ll ask the ghost of Senator Stevens (R-Frozen Tundra) to explain it to me and get back to you…
“Irony is wasted on the stupid”
― Oscar Wilde
Sorry, Ben, the white supremacists have made their choice, and it’s not you.
I do realize that in the more simple. conservative minds this is an impossiblity, but the term “Judeo-Christian” should actually by Judeo-Christian-Muslim, as all three religions trace their monotheistic roots right back to the same guy, Abraham. But what the hell do facts matter when you’re a bigot?
“Let’s go ahead and investigate the thing,” he said. “Let’s not be giving them access to the ability to further carry on what they call a civilization jihad, and to change us from a Judeo-Christian foundation to a Muslim foundation. We have got to be smarter than that.”
What in the flying hell does this even mean? How would this “scenario” happen? What kind of conspiratorial fever dream is Carson muttering through?
One day we’ll wake up and be like, “oops, we let 0.9% of the population change our religious ‘foundation’”?
“Man once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder, is the sport of every wind.”
-Thomas Jefferson
It was never gonna be him, although I do wonder how they let a Filipino minister into their ranks to get the rabble rousers going. That one boggles the mind quite a bit.
WHO is going to investigate WHAT?
The idiot speaks… does he believe for a moment that these folks have not been checked 3 ways from Sunday by HS, FBI, etc, etc, etc…
It’s been my experience that the more loudly a person touts his Christianity the less Christ like his actions are.
They let Kim Davis in there. He is not worried about that?
That may be the lamest Trump imitation yet.
This is what Mrs darr calls “dumbassery”
If Muslim guests are investigated how about investigating everyone in the goddam room, Ben…including all those members of Congress one of which happens to be a Muslim.
I’m willing to bet none of the invited guests tried to hit their mother with a hammer or stabbed a friend.
Was he invited to the SOTU? Maybe he’s just jealous.