Discussion: Ben Carson Announces 2016 Bid

Discussion for article #235931

I’ve got another finger for you, Uncle Ben:


So Doctor Uncle’s saying the ‘Fingers of G-d’ stimulated him to run? His church must have one holy heck of a jack shack :feelsgood:


TPM Headline: Ben Carson Announces 2016 Bid

AKA: Ben Carson Announces 2016 Tea Party Grift


I think this will be incredibly entertaining. Run, Ben, Run.

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Several months back, neurosurgeon and social conservative darling Ben Carson said “the fingers of God” were pressing him to run for President.

Amazing how the “fingers of God” seem to perform the exact same function as a masturbatory ego grip.


So this clown is tossing his scalpel into the ring? Hopefully it hits another clown in the back!

Hey doesn’t Adam & Eve sell a sex toy called the “Fingers of God”?


And America responds:


Sniff. Oh My.


This is amusing, not inspiring. I think his so-called inspiration for running was mistaken for a proctologist examination…


“I began to ask myself, why are people clamoring for me to do this?”

Because you’re the legendary “black friend” every bigoted Republican claims that they have in order to demonstrate they’re not bigoted.


The Republican Short Bus is filling up quickly. Looks like Ben and Carley will have to move to the back.

BTW: Did Ben begin his announcement with: “My fellow Caucasians…”

Just a little sample of the deep political and social insights of Uncle Ben:

*“ObamaCare is the worst thing that has happened in this nation since
slavery. In a way, it is slavery, because it is making all of us
subservient to the government.”

“America is very much like Nazi Germany. And I know you’re
not supposed to say ‘Nazi Germany,’ but I don’t care about political
correctness. You know, you had a government using its tools to
intimidate the population. We now live in a society where people are
afraid to say what they actually believe.”

“Anyone caught involved in voter fraud should be immediately deported and have his citizenship revoked.”

"Marriage is between a man and a woman. It’s a well-established,
fundamental pillar of society, and no group — be they gays, be they
NAMBLA, be they people who believe in bestiality — it doesn’t matter
what they are — they don’t get to change the definition.”

“Because 9/11 is an isolated incident.

“I think most people when they finish that course, [the AP history course on non-violent protest] they’d be ready to go sign up for ISIS.”*

And those are just a tiny sample of the cornucopia of stupid Carson brings to the GOP clown rally they laughingly refer to a their presidential primary season.


Carson lives in Columbia, MD–which was developed as a utopian town based on liberal principals.Like most wingnuts, he doesn’t want to live in some libertarianstan.


And BTW, Carson is an absolutely world class hypocrite who is rife with CMS: Convenient Memory Syndrome.
Dr. Carson:  “The disintegration of the family unit and the welfare state are enslaving African-Americans and ruining their futures.”

Raised by a single mother

Lived in public housing

Fed with food stamps.

Supported with welfare

Kept healthy with medicaid…

Educated in public schools

Got eyeglasses from state agency

Benefited from affirmative action to enter college

Used federal loans and Pell grants in undergrad school

Benefited from affirmative action to enter medical school

Med school paid for with grant from USPHS


Like Paul ‘Lyin’ Ryan he has NO problem biting, severing in fact, the hand that fed him.


Well… He certainly is not stupid (a fucking neurosurgeon), but he is definitely full of shit, and fucking nuts…

(I just had to use this again…)

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And he would tell you, with a straight face mind you, ALL of that means nothing. Nothing, I tells you.

He did everything in his life on his own. No evil gubmint here.

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Did he say this? I’m not sure this is correct. Say what you will, but Dr. Ben is an academic rockstar (which gives more credence to some folks when he goes all crazy). I don’t think we can make this assumption. He’s nuts, for sure, but he is a very gifted surgeon who earned his way into medical school.

A check of WKRC’s web site (WKRC was purchased by super conservative broadcaster Sinclair in 2012) finds the following:

Dr. Carson tells our National Correspondent Jeff Barnd

So Carson told someone working for Sinclair corporate not WKRC. Sinclair corporate is interested in politically positioning WKRC for the hoards of teabagger types in the SW Ohio, N Kentucky and SE Indiana area.

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If “I’m willing to be part of the equation” isn’t an energizing catchphrase for a campaign, then I don’t know what is. Will it fit on a bumper sticker?