Discussion: Ben Carson After Camp Tour: Absorb Syrian Refugees In Mideast

Discussion for article #243246

…buhbuhbuh Ben! wouldn’t that be aiding and abetting potential ‘terrorists’. You know, the ones that the anti-Syrians are in hysterics about?

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So without reporters who’s to verify he actually went there?


Good point…

but there’s always the DailyShow method of placing ‘reporters’ in the field…

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You don’t become an expert on all things African if you spend a day on the Wild Africa Trek in Disney’s Animal Kingdom in Orlando. And you sure as hell don’t learn much taking a whirlwind tour of a shielded refugee camp. Expect this to be aggrandized and embellished to the point of being nauseating. His handler’s will call him an “expert”.


Welp… so much for the Parable of the Good Samaritan.


What’s worse is that he will think he is a hands on expert.


You mean like dubya 's foreign policy experience was playing Risk after cheerleader practice?


was he wanking during the tour? :open_mouth:

Strangely enough the brilliant genius best solution happens to be the one most appealing to frightened idiot Americans.


Well, this was totally unexpected.


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No reporters = no video of Chauncey walking on water, et cetera, et cetera.


I don’t know, Ben…, the East Coast is problematic…The South is definitely out. The Mideast contains New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York…and, to my knowledge, Christie doesn’t want Syrians in Jersey.

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well, that was curious advice. guess it takes a brain surgeon to come up with it.


Many white people would like Carson and other American black people absorbed in Africa.

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Countries like Jordan have been staggering for years under the weight of millions of refugees displaced from Iraq! Now they and their neighboring states are being asked to absorb millions more? Carson didn’t learn anything from his visit and his claims to be a devout, compassionate Christian are bullcrap.


An aid appeal of $4.5 billion for refugees in host countries in 2015 is only about half funded. The cash crunch has created increasingly unbearable conditions for Syrian refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and — to a lesser extent — in economically more robust Turkey. In 2015, hundreds of thousands of refugees moved on to Europe in hopes of a better life.

WTF? Saudi Arabia (who certainly doesn’t seem to help with any terrorist situation … unless the situation threatens your ass)? Dubai? Even Russia? By comparison, you folks are mega-wealthy. Canada is going above and beyond. Australia is stepping up to the plate. Many in the EU are stepping up to the plate, albeit after being shamed into doing so but they are now. Even China–with its very large economy (though starting now to level out in growth) – though don’t expect China to open its borders, as they are already overflowing. And, yes, America?

Dr. Carson, nice try.

Edit: System Failure?? This post was supposed to be a stand-alone post … not a response to bplewis24. Seriously, what the heck???


“There is much beauty in Syria and I suspect that many displaced Syrians will return there when peace is restored,” he added.

He could only say that if he was referring to pictures he’s seen of Syria from the 1990’s. Considering how much bombing has taken place, I highly doubt that’s the way it is currently.

“The humanitarian crisis presented by the fleeing Syrian refugees can be addressed if the nations of the world with resources would provide
financial and material support to the aforementioned countries as well
as encouragement,” the statement said.

OK, I’m GREATLY starting to suspect that Unka Ben didn’t really see that much of the camp. Perhaps the driver drove past it pointing and gesticulating without actually stopping. It’s located in the desert, with horrendous heat and over stretched resources trying to serve well over 100,000 refugees. The middle of the desert wasn’t intended to become a miniature city. There’s only but so much you can do with sending financial and material support.


Thank you! I thought the same thing – add to that the devastating drought, and you’ve got one hell hole (no offense intended to those who call it home).


The humanitarian crisis presented by the fleeing Syrian refugees can be addressed if the nations of the world with resources would provide financial and material support to the aforementioned countries as well as encouragement…

This seems to be the G.O.P. solution to all problems. They seem to be under the impression that using the right language will fix things. “Get tough. No PC crap! Tell the poor to get better jobs. Offer a hearty handclasp to the downtrodden.” It never translates into any identifiable, practical action.