Discussion: Behind The GOP Meltdown On Abortion And Rape

Discussion for article #232378

Live by the far Right, die by them. No sympathy here.

		CONFRONT the Woman-Haters! OPPOSE the Walk for "Life"
		Saturday January 24
		 1:00 PM
		Location Details:
		Corner of Powell & Market St.  San Francisco
		Event Type:

			Contact Name Alex
			Email Address StopPatriarchyBayArea [at] gmail.com
			Phone Number510-981-9067
		If you stand for the lives and futures of women, if you stand for 

women’s liberation, join in righteous resistance against this
March for Forced Motherhood - refuse to let the woman-haters parade down the streets in peace!

Abortion on demand and without apology!
Forced motherhood is female enslavement.

download PDF (373.0 KB)


Nothing’s going to change in week 4. House GOP will continue to be clueless.


I’m compelled to paraphrase a verbal construction associated with Nike, a company I loathe almost as much as Bryant Gumbel hates the NRA…

“Just do it”

VOTE, dammit!!

What is it about this statement,

People who refuse to turn out to vote in off-year elections enable the committed, bigoted knuckledraggers of the Right to fill Congress with their politicians

that people do not understand?


Whats next? the perpetrator will have to be convicted before the victim can have a abortion? Funny how they force woman to have children out of wedlock and then destroy any program that might help them raise the child…


Quite a pickle they have themselves in here. Win both houses of Congress and they whine like little children.


GOP: Governing Others’ Pelvises


Did not go thru regular order. Not going to make that mistake again. Wanta bet on that? With the leaders you have, who knows what will happen.


Simply put, republican’t behavior translates as oppression. It is the same logic as cult religion – You are bad, you are the cause of my problems, we are right, we are here to save you, submit or we must make your life hell. We are g-d. You will be assimilated. Bullpucky.


They got a whole whack of members, mostly but not all new, unable or unwilling to confront the Base over the reality that the country as a whole will not accept being governed according to mores that at their highest are marginally supported in the most right wing of regions.

Then they got a subset of members, professional pols, there by the grace of big monied interests to do their bidding, some from the same demographic as the first one, fully aware that they have been able to gone on for years, decades even, with ducking the consequences of promises to expand the federal code to take on a range of unacceptably repressive policies hung on them by the Base - yet still unable to face up to the consquences.

And finally there’s a subset of true believers, all of whom will be showing up at Rep Steve King’s Iowa fricasee, who will insist on putting the second group to the stake, and with it the GOP.



What the hell is “messaging legislation”? The GOP runs midterm campaigns about needing serious legislation from Washington and instead they get serious about “messaging legislation”!! Please proceed.


LMAO. I’m enjoying the hell out of this.

GOP will have to deliver all the things they promised their right wing loony base. That means they will have to vote against abortion, demolish social security and repeal ObamaCare. They have no real excuse not to deliver, since they have both houses of Congress. And with this latest shelving on this anti-choice bill - by members of their own party - many of the supporters are already pissed.

It’s gonna be an interesting two years if the first month of Republican rule is any indication… teehee


New congress, and this is their priority? Abortion? Definition of rape? Wow, I blame the electorate, this is the idiocy you get when Republicans are given power.


I’m disappointed this article did not give a proper description of the clown car these guys piled out of.


“Week one, we had a Speaker election that didn’t go as well as a lot of us would have liked. Week two, we spent a lot of time talking about deporting children, a conversation a lot of us didn’t want to have. Week three, we’re debating reportable rape and incest — again, not an issue a lot of us wanted to have a conversation about,” the Republican congressman said. “I just can’t wait for week four.”

That’s hilarious! What’s even funnier is that it’s only going to get worse. Those newer members from swing districts are going to be less interested in social issues and more interested in fiscal ones while the teabaggers and those in bright red districts will be more interested in social issues. This is going to happen over and over again.


The wingnuts think they have a simple issue here, comparable to naming a post office, but in fact it’s about lives, womens’ and those who love them. It’s not just another routine legislative matter. They’re not human. They’re political droids.


WHEN, for the love of God,will the GOP realize that abortion is a losing issue for them, especially when they start throwing “rape” in with it? I mean how utterly stupid can you possibly be?

At any rate, I hope their moment of realization is no time in the near future!


This is what happens when it is possible you might actually pass legislation. Republicans are not used to that. They need a bill that will pass the Senate and won’t be vetoed by President Obama. I think that kind of bill is possible, but not with the rape definition they want.


Having just invested heavily in popcorn futures, I am looking forward to weeks 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and many fingers.