Discussion: Barr Calls Pelosi's Accusation That He Lied Under Oath 'Laughable'

In your summary of the Muller report that wasn’t a summary except that you said it was/wasn’t a summary you said, Mr Barr, that trump was exonerated. Completely. Except that he wasn’t. Clearly. There are a whole panoply of lies in there. And also you did in fact lie under oath. More than once in your testimony. This explanation that you did not lie that you call “laughable” is an other.
Will all this still be laughable when you are in jail for ignoring a subpoena?



And he’s right–It IS laughable to think that the AGUS would lie. But then again, this is Bob Barr we’re talking about, so…

Last night Rachel was so pumped up she was imitating mobster talk in speaking about the RAFT of incriminating Things about Trump NOW COMING OUT.

In WWII terms, Barr is Mussolini. Fat, debauched, scared, incompetent, stupid and eventually gob-smacked.


what do we have to lose at this point?

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You mentioned a hesitancy to take some statins.
I’m not going to say anything one way or the other, but if you read “A Statin Nation” by Dr Malcolm Kendrick for $5.77 on Kindle, I’m sure you will have more to think about.

I’ve read his two previous two books. I had read his research papers before I realized he had written a book. His research papers were a little technical and used a lot of unfamiliar terminology. The book was a lot easier to read. Kendrick is doctor from the UK.
If nothing else, click on the look inside link and read his introduction. He has a wicked sense of humor. Reading his writing is anything but boring.

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Don’t ask what’s in it personally for Barr. Barr has been a faithful Republican soldier his entire career and It seems clearer than ever that what the Republican Party hopes to gain is permanent capture of the State via state-of-the-art scientific voter suppression (and electronic meddling with the vote tallies if necessary), unlimited dark money, politicized use of the Justice Department (including political capture of its surveillance capacities), packed courts, marginalization of the legislature, preferential treatment for Party-friendly media, destruction of the independent civil service, and a full-on assault on what we quaintly used to call the rule of law.

Republicans know they are in minority and that they need to Putinize our democracy before demographics destroy them. I don’t know yet if Roberts is in on the plan, but certainly Thomas and Alito, and probably Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, have already been read in and know the endgame.


I didn’t watch the interview, but he sure does sound snitty…and I don’t care much for snitty.


God I love her.

(Yes, now I’m up to misspelling four letter words. No, not those words–I always get those right.)


Thank you. For years I refused to take statins and even now do not take them regularly. I will check out the books. Again, thank you. :heart_eyes:

Yeah, lying about treason is hilarious!


That’s real funny because the rest of us call it “Lying under oath.”


Plenty of room on the ‘impeachment train’ for U, chubby.



For the win!


He has built his career on craftily crafting his sentences so that he can claim it was not ‘technically’ a like. Indeed he does think it is funny. He thinks he is the smartest boy in the room.

p.s., all this crowd seems to be stuck in middle-school level gotcha humor.

ETA: by ‘this crowd’ I mean Barr et al.'s privileged, legal, social set.


But did he deny it? That’s an adorable nondenial denial.


Color me stupid if you wish, but can I have a referent for the pronoun in your postscript? I’m not sure if this crowd is us here at TPM, or the Guarantors of Plutocracy.

Barr, Kavanaugh, … the Republican legal in-crowd…


And middle-school bullying AND middle-school privileged white boy whining when things don’t got their way.


I thought so. And then (I think because it was in a postscript) I wasn’t sure.

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