Discussion: Avenatti: 'These Guys Make The Watergate Burglars Look Competent'

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“If invoices were submitted by Michael Cohen with the understanding that it was not for actual legal services but rather was a ruse for the reimbursement of $130,000, that could constitute fraud, that could constitute money laundering or other crimes,” he said. “It appears what they did was structured the repayment. It appears they structured the repayment in order to avoid detection or otherwise.”


Make the Orange One compulsively disgorge his confession!


Lovin’ this guy. Hope he can eventually deliver some of this promised hurt, but love the irritation he must be causing to the offal office.


If you compare the respective members, eg. Nixon to Trump, Richardson to Sessions, Haldemann to Kelly, Dean to McGahn, there’s no contest in terms of competence and ability.

The other big difference is we actually had enough patriotic Republicans at that time who put country over party which helped preserve our constitution. Now, we’re led by idiots who care only about self-preservation.


President Donald Trump and his band of lawyers “make the Watergate burglars look competent.”

Groucho: “He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot, but don’t let that fool you; he really is an idiot.”


I disagree, I believe they want to solve legal problem by burying it in politics. Giuliani is outing Trump as a whoremongering liar in the Stormy front and justice obstructing bully in the Russia and Comey case. Now with that out of the way, re-settle with Stormy, fire Mueller and Rosenstein and be done with the Russia thingy. Trump base is fine with all that, they have been clamoring it for months. If Congress does anything at all, it would be to provide more cover political cover for Trump, Republican majority depends on it, if they turn on Trump it will be a rout for them.

They want to let voter decide in November, they are betting they will forget about all this by then and anyway this is an electorate that forgave all the pussy-grabbing, tax-hiding, russia-meddling last election, so it’s not really an insane bet. Besides in most states that matter the GOP controls the elections, so a helping hand can be counted on. If things look bad in early October, well they can always start a war, that always help republicans.


you didn’t include the part where Michael Avenatti said “I’d tell Rudy to go home and be a family man, old man, but i see he’s on his 3rd divorce”


Avenatti’s legal jiu-jitsu is quite fun to watch. Every time team Trump or Cohen comes up with a new argument, he is right there within hours using it against them. Giuliani has already squandered his own political good will. After this, his reputation as a lawyer will also be in tatters.


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Golly Avenatti … don’t hold the bar so high to start …


Start around here …


Need I remind you that Trump only hires the best people?


I want Avenatti in 2020. Avenatti and Ted Lieu

Avenatti/Lieu 2020.

I’m gonna start making bumperstickers.


Ms. Daniels choice of legal representation has been nothing less than brilliant!


It just occurs to me that Avenatti is kind of an anti-Comey: one man, sticking a bar into the fan of history, stopping the flow of events and redirecting them to a distinctly different path. . Unlike Comey, Avenatti is acting deliberately and ethically. Also unlike Comey, Avenatti is not full of himself.
He’s arrogant, maybe, but he knows exactly who he is; it is jarringly obvious that Comey does not.
I don’t know when I’ve seen a master of the public theater as good as Avenatti.


Avenati and Mueller are, in many ways, exact opposites, which makes it all the more fun to watch them both closing in.


Ha, was just thinking the same thing vis a vis Mueller.


Between Avenatti’s comments and Rosenstein’s extortion comment, this has been a great week for news. Love the digs to the White House.


I never understood why Cohen claimed he paid the hush money with his home equity line of credit, but this provides the explanation. He was trying to hide Trump’s reimbursement of the hush money to him. Trump pays Cohen a “retainer” for supposed other legal services. Cohen doesn’t use that money to make the payment so as to avoid making the obvious connection between Trump’s payment to him and his payment to Stormy. So he uses a separate fund source - his HELOC. He then cries that Trump never reimbursed him for the payment to further disguise that the retainer was in fact partly to cover the Stormy hush money. It should be obvious to anyone that legal and legitimate business activity is not conducted in this way… And then along comes Giuliani, blowing the cover off of the ruse and admitting to it all! Amazing.

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I’m still confused as to why Donald wanted to be President.


He did not want to be president. He expected HRC to win easily. He was only trying to increase visibility for his brand to make more money.