Discussion: Avenatti: 'These Guys Make The Watergate Burglars Look Competent'

He thought he would get away with all this stuff, and even more and more profitable stuff. In his mind, the president could do pretty much anything he wanted to. And that he would have the support of the Justice Department to smooth out any bumps in the road.


The sh*t is getting deep. The only thing worse would be if the government had some lines tappedā€¦ Oh!

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Or maybe he chose her. Heā€™s been a go-getter his whole career, and I can imagine him thinkingā€¦ hmmmm, this is perfect


To get richer, mostly, besides the rush that power gives one. Together, thatā€™s about it, nothing else that I can see.

Avenatti always seems to be on cable news, and I havenā€™t gotten tired of him yet. Iā€™d want this guy as my lawyer, thatā€™s for sure. He really is a like a pit bull that wonā€™t let go, and always has something new and pithy to say.


Those guys make Realtors look like enemy combatants, the way they colluded to steer their purported clients into quick settlements and easy paydays all around. And the Realtors file more paperwork for smaller percentages.

And, perhaps because they truly are idiots, theyā€™re not even very good at that.

The more emotional, illegal and illogical Trump, Giuliani and the Repub circus get, the calmer, legal and more logical Avenatti gets. Avenatti is chewing them up! What fun to watch.