Discussion: Atlanta Radio Host Suspended For Insult Hurled At Female ESPN Sports Analyst

Discussion for article #241518

right. you got called on it. now you know you are an asshole. so sorry.


Isn’t that just cute!

Butthead Bell can use the Twitter!

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So, no idea who this meathead is. Has he ever faced a 95mph cutter? If not, I expect he should resign.


This is Veronica Corningstone. Tits McGee is on vacation, Asshole.:blush:


What made me laugh is his ‘apology’ began: ““I didn’t get it. I get it now.”

He didn’t get that kind of thing is offensive?

What? Did he get the World’s Fastest College Degree or something?


Didn’t Donald Trump say there was no war on women in the GOP?

This guy just HAS to be a democrat then, right?


Of course, we all know no woman would be qualified to comment on any major league man-sport. I mean, come on! Next, they’ll want to officiate! Then there goes all hope of watching a good game. :-/

My wife could easily out-coach, out-officiate, out-commentate most guys I know. Is this idiot headed for the GOP next?


Are you kidding? He’s the Georgia state chair!

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It’s sad how many people can watch a movie like Anchorman and imagine that the main character is someone they should copy. These are the same people who think that “sarcasm” means that you’re saying what you really believe in an exaggerated way, since so many people say what these people say and are being sarcastic; so they naturally assume they’re doing the same thing.


Oh boy. Of course, ESPN and the rest sort of play into the whole thing by always having a “field muffin” do the interviews and commentary down on the field…especially for NFL games…as if having some tight piece of arse holding the mic is what assures them that they’ll get that sweaty, breathless word salad interview out of the jocks right after the game before the other “news” folks do. I often wonder if those women are aware of and ok with their own exploitation in that manner.

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I have no doubt his current job is toast. But he’s got several promising career opportunities ahead: right-wing/sports talk radio, stand-up comedy at right-wing and Chamber of Commerce conventions, and, of course, roving reporter for the Home Shopping Network.


Would like to see Atlanta radio host Mike Bell placed in a locked cage for 6 rounds with Ronda Rousey - no saved by referee - no saved by the bell - a big old powerful man like Mike Bell should have no problem with a girl like Ronda…


I heard Erin Andrews tell a story that former/retired TV sports/sideline reporter, Leslie Visser, told Andrews that “whether you want it to or not, your looks are going to open a lot of doors for you.” So, I would think that means they are aware that their looks aid them. To be clear, they are legitimate journalists too. Some are very good, some aren’t…just like the male reporters. So, I suppose it’s a “who cares how the door opened, I’m going to kick it in!” sort of thing. All the power to 'em, I say.


Let’s skip the sex of the person with the microphone - just put me on record as absolutely hating the catch the coach on the way to half-time ‘interviews’


He expressed what’s in his heart. No amount of apology will change his true feelings, he’ll just be more abundantly cautious what comes outta his piehold in the future.


That would be pure gold! I would pony up $100 a ppv, per sexist asshole. Every repub dick who says something sexist, I’m looking at you, Kasich, should be forced into the octagon versus Rousey! I love this idea!!!

Figures you’re from New Jersey…we just naturally have great minds. :wink: Chris Christie and Steve Lonagan excluded, of course.

He’ll probably be #1 with Clear Channel.

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People get their tits all jumbled over stupid one liners, its getting so old! PC Police all over the place.

My wife could out race him on a bike and likely deck him with a right cross. Esp. if she got angry enough at his asshat behavior.