Discussion: As Trump, GOP Try To Expose Source, FBI Works To Protect Informant If Name Revealed

Would knowing their name change anything? No, but it would give trump & co. a scapegoat to go after.

That’s why they want to know.


Knowing the name woukd help Trump know what they had been caught doing so they could tailor forthcoming testimony around it and/or so that pressure could be applied.


Shortest Guiliani: A mob can’t run a conspiracy around here in decent privacy any more. It’s a crime!


Wouldn’t it be a hoot if it turned out to be Hopey Hicks??


Imagine the Republican strategy toward this informant if he or she had been embedded with the campaign of President Hillary Clinton.

It isn’t hard to do.


Trump tweeted on Thursday that if the reports turned out to be true, it would divulge a level of corruption “bigger than Watergate.”

Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani told the Post that the revelations make Mueller’s probe “completely illegitimate.” Other Trump allies claim unveiling details about the informant and his or her work for the FBI could help them get rid of Mueller or deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

“The prior government did it, but the present government, for some reason I can’t figure out, is covering it up,” he told the Post.


What could be the legal liability of a person who was involved in outing an agent if that agent came to harm? That might be an interesting thing to point out.
Remember the Plame affair (yeah, I know, T will get all indignant and claim that he has never met her)? It’s serious stuff for other people, but perhaps not when that agent is stepping on political ambitions.
It’s also telling that the campaign embraced all manner of Russian apologists, white supremacists, anti-everything-ers, and, to quote Obi Wan Kenobi, was a “wretched hive of villainy and scum.” You would think that a person who claimed to be surrounding himself by only the best people would have noticed something as scurrilous as an FBI agent right away.


Mueller just needs to freeze the game by filing obstruction of justice charges now.


Celebrated as a great patriot with a ticker tape parade…


At least we know they always have the best interests of the country and our protection from foreign attacks as their primary priorities.

This should endear them even more to the intelligence community.


His defense of himself here seems to be something to the effect of "my guys were breaking the law and the FBI found out because they were using an informant! That’s not fair, they didn’t tell me!’

This doesn’t even work in the Dave Chappelle version of white people court. Come on now.


Fucking As. They never learn.

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Favorite defense of mob dons everywhere.


Gee, Spankee, hate to point this out to you but your inept team is only partially responsible for your lousy press. Most of the time it’s you.

'Cause if you’d’vd had her apologize immediately, all of this would have been over and done with within hours.

Your pigheadedness about “no apologies” is keeping this alive.


The question is, has been, and will continue to be - did the Trump campaign willingly participate with Russian agents to alter the course of our presidential election? Further, are Trump business dealings illegally financed and supported by Russian and criminal enterprises? There are abundant indications and evidence that both may be true. Having an informant in the Trump organization would be a reasonable method to investigate the suspicions. The implications and threat to our nation represented by Trump’s continued benefit from his business dealings suggest that law enforcement is on solid ground.


Trump wanted the Russians to find Hillary’s E-Mails.
All Trump has to do is ask Putin to find the informant.


Deep Throat, Jr.

What complete and utter mofos. The lowest of the low. To LIE and dodge and screw with the American people they would ‘unmask’ this informant that is working to prove or disprove whether the scumsuckers tried to fk with the election and give our country away to enrich themselves. Honest to God.


Giuliani in his doddering, increasingly obese, increasingly senile state, thought it would be real slick to further complicate the investigation into HIS role in the election fixing conspiracy by becoming Donald Trump’s defense lawyer. I am going to laugh when he gets indicted and frog marched into a police van and then makes his first appearance in court in orange overalls and blue slip on sneakers.

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