Discussion: As Trump, GOP Try To Expose Source, FBI Works To Protect Informant If Name Revealed

Actually, when you think about it, with indications of Russian cybermeddling on a bunch of things even before the campaign (Fancy Bear didn’t just appear in Oct 2016), plus the Trump Crime Family’s predilection for Russian monies, PLUS the hiring of Manafort (who was working without a salary – suspicious in and of itself), as well as a slew of others with, well, shady connections to Russia and/or former Soviet satellite countries, it would almost be weird if the FBI was not looking at the campaign. All the signs of possible interference were actually there.


It was obviously Obama disguised as a WH window washer complete with fake glasses and mustache.


Melania—is this why you’re really in the safe house/hospital?


The FBI never uses informants legally. Just ask 35% of the voting public. In fact every innocent person ever convicted by the testimony , partly or fully, by an informant should immediately be released and the conviction overturned.

Some people have said that the FBI informant is Mike Pence. I don’t know - that’s just what some people have said.


I assume that the FBI wants the person protected for a reason. And, I must assume that Nunes and Trump know EXACTLY what an outing means to the informant. My conclusion is they absolutely do not care if this person at worst is killed (Russians do that sort of thing, for sure) or is destroyed along with associates. Perhaps that is even the intent.

It is a mob.


What a convincing argument !

As a matter of fact, every innocent person convicted should be released, informant or no informant…

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Yes, if I were a group of politicians who have probably been involved in shady dealings for years, the one thing I would go out of my way to do is piss off members of the FBI.
As some guy a few years back who was a NON-BATSHIT-FUCKNUT-CRAZY President said: “Please proceed!”


Nunes protesteth too much. Like somebody who is headed to prison.


They ought to come out and name Ivankadonk as the informant, just to drive Trump out of his fucking mind.

The icing on the cake would be for the arresting officers to bang his head on the squad car while putting him in the back seat as advocated by Spankee.


Any bets that she asks for another two weeks in the hospital?


Meh…legal liability was some legal bills, and then a commutation, and then a pardon. Clearly not a deterrent. I recall a quote from Donald Trump…with a few key edits.

When GOP sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing influence peddling. They’re bringing leaks. They’re sexual harassers. And some, I assume, are good people.


Nah, it’s Eric.

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The comment about prior and current govt says all you need to know about Trump. It’s the same govt asshole, you’re just the occupant of the Oval Office for a bit. He acts like he took over the company and it’s now his. He has no understanding or respect for the tradition of the presidency or those before him. It really is the worst thing about Trump.

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That would leave a mark on the expanding chrome dome (and I am a chrome dome in progress).


This is where we are in this country in the age of Trump. The imitation president is actually attempting to out a confidential source and the FBI is scrambling to protect this person from the so-called commander-in-chief himself. Can anyone for a moment even imagine the right-wing’s apoplectic furor had President Obama so much as mentioned a subject such as this, let alone threatened to expose an FBI source to the world? The mere thought of our last real president doing such a thing would send every republican to their fainting couches as they clutched their pearls so tightly they would be crushed. Hell Obama had the utter audacity to wear a tan suit once, and that nearly exploded every right-wing head in the country. Just ponder for a quick second what would have happened if he had promised to expose a confidential agent.

I realize we’ve hit a critical stupid point in this nation, but I think we’re reaching a point at which the bizarro weirdness is becoming too much even for the morons who foisted this disaster upon us. They can’t keep their own irrational hatreds and mental-acrobatics straight anymore.


They should be looking for a guy named Pike Mence.


This just goes to show people how scared trump and the GOP are of the investigation going full term…yesterday sater throws trump under the bus, two more woman are coming forward with cohen payoffs, trumps pay to play extortion of US corps and qatar are being revealed and today its confirmed that erik prince met with the russians…i mean its all coming down in bits and pieces of a really complex puzzle…I dont know what good exposing this person would prove…or if trump , rudi and their assorted goons would even know what to do if they had this person…And its Friday…and in the past most the really good shit comes down on Fridays…


The FBI source is reportedly a U.S. citizen who has provided the FBI and the CIA with information in the past.

It sounds like American IC was running an unrelated informant and the Drumpf campaign stumbled into his/her domain. The only scandal there was, 'WTF were Drumpf’s campaign’s workers talking to an established criminal/intelligence source aboutr, anyway?"