Discussion: Arrested Fox Anchor Was Fresh Out Of Rehab, Appeared 'Very Intoxicated'

Who knows, maybe this very public humiliation is the incentive he needs to get sober.

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FWIW, gabapentin (Neurontin) is mainly an anti-epileptic drug, and I think it may have other uses as well. Iā€™d never even heard it was used as a painkiller.


As someone who works in a drug and alcohol recovery-related business, I have a great deal of sympathy for Jarrett. I truly wish him well and hope he finds peace in sobriety.


White-knuckling invariably ends this way.

Hazelden is a good place to start recovery, but any local AA meeting will do if you are determined to get sober and stay that way. You have to be willing to go to any length to recover. Anything less is folly, and a sure ticket back to the Air Port Bar.

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Thatā€™s known as highly qualified over at Faux.

Then why arenā€™t MORE FNC on-screen personalities having these problems? Pscyhopath pselph-pselection? Better coping mechanisms?

Go ahead and blame any and every FNC employee of anti-humanitarianism; Iā€™ll agree. But substance abuse and addiction donā€™t corelate like that.

Yep. The whole party is crooks now.

This is the point at which my sympathy for Fox News people has completely evaporated in light of the horribly cruel things they have done to . . . well . . . anyone they decide is a threat to their political power.

Fuck Jarret, Fuck Fox, and I hope this humiliating spectacle carries on for many months. It looks perfect on Fox news . . . another example of the shitty moral character of the people who work there.

Faux News: We Distort, You Imbibeā€¦

Gabapentin/Neurontin is primarily an anti-epileptic drug but is also used to treat neuropathy (nerve pain). It absolutely does not get you high, though it can result in numbness/tingling in the extremities. In my experience there is zero chance of ā€œabuseā€ of this drug (unless you really enjoy the sensation of your foot falling asleep).

(1.) Hope he gets a handle on this - and does not let it take him to the ultimate destruction.
(2.) Hope then that he gains a bit of introspection, reflection, and benevolence in this thinking.
(3.) and oh please - if he gets back on his feet, please donā€™t come back with some ā€œRighter than everā€ - rejuvenated right-wing nut job noise machine persona.

Use the Dinesh Dā€™fense: Plenty of people get drunk, but why is it that the Minneapolis police would throw the book at this particular drunk man, who just ā€œhappensā€ to be a critic of the Obama administration?

This is just sad. I feel bad for the guy.

The poor man. Heā€™s in the grips of addiction. Regardless of his working for Fox, I hope he gets the help he needs.

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Ugg would like one more story. Heā€™s sober and just accepted job with PBS, the only remaining actual credible news outlet in America.

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Soviet Virgin
Lands Short
of Goal Again

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Well if he was in rehab then he is aware heā€™s got a problem and he knows where and how to deal with it. But getting loaded straight out of rehab is a very bad sign. He cannot control it and needs help badly. I hope he has sense enough to seek help again. The alternative is not a good one.

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Gabapentin is a painkiller that can cause drowsiness and confusion and does not mix well with alcohol.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but I donā€™t think there are many medications that do mix well with alcohol.

Heā€™s a junkie. Was the Gabapentin his Rx? So many interesting questions to answer.

You have to be ā€œYou have to be willing to go to any length to recover.ā€ But that doesnā€™t mean you have to GO to every length, just be willing to, if need be.