Reminds me of an incident during the Clinton administration: militants practicing maneuvers in Kalispel, Mt. captured a government hydrology expert taking readings. They thought he was the first waved of the New World Order scouting for an attack on America. And, as everyone knows, Kalispel is the key to capturing the US.
Given the confrontational nature of so many law enforcement officers compounded by too many of them being former military, how low can the bar be?
I wish this was the response to the shooty-boys:
In a just world, giant bats would have swarmed down and eaten the militia’s brains, thereby bringing the incident to a fun and bloody conclusion.
One of these days two militia groups will stumble upon each other in the dark. Yuks will ensue…
Is it just me or does that bat have Michelle Bachmann’s eyes?
Someday a puzzled historian will try to determine exactly when and how being an asshole became a hobby.
Hey, I’m more than willing to give the current guy a break, all he has to do is make the arrests.
It’s only a matter of time before one of these groups, be design or accident, commits some serious crimes that involve taking innocent lives. I hope they back off before someone dies who was guilty of nothing.
Actually, Babeau is still a sheriff, but of Pinal County, not Santa Cruz County. Sheriff Estrada’s county is actually on the border (covers Nogales, AZ). Babeau’s is not.
You have obviously not been paying attention to the news lately.
My bad
Considering that I live in Pima County I should have known.
I’ve been to Nogales many times.
I hope he does makes some arrests of the goof balls who think they can do ICE’s job for them.
“We can’t stop here!” I said. “This is bat country!”
Never mind, poor bastards. They would see the bats soon enough.
HST for the win!
Always knew they were batty, right?
This is conservative version of world of warcraft liberals. A bunch of dorks who think they’re actually doing something with their lives.
You win the internets.
Bat-shit crazy meets bat crazy!
As a matter of fact, they’re going to get in the way and they could get hurt.
. . . and then blame someone else.
This is the last we’ll hear of it. It will be swept under the proverbial rug.
I must ask…if it had been African-Americans with guns, accosting scientists in Eaton Canyon north of Pasadena, California, how would this have ended?