Discussion: Armed Volunteer Border Militia Mistakes Conservationists For Illegals

I can understand the mistake. Bats look alien, and they sure as hell don’t speak 'Murican, so I can understand why anyone associating with them would be suspect.

It was likely Mexican free-tail bats, so I can understand the confusion.


The comments on this thread make me happy, a number made me laugh out loud.

It’s only funny though because it didn’t escalate and the militia should be charged with something. Even if it’s harassment. If armed people ever accosted me in the desert I wouldn’t accept an “oops, sorry” either.


So, the Bat-Shit Crazies confronted the Bat Shit Studiers?
Lucky none of the Scientists was of Latin Descent or they probably would have gotten shot.

As a matter of fact, they’re going to get in the way and they could get hurt. Or they could hurt somebody else."

The sheriffs are reading from the same book so far.

I’m happy to learn that the scientists were “unreceptive” to the apology from another type of bat - dingbats.


When The County Sheriff, a position voted by the County residents, tells them to take a hike out of that County, well, that is a remarkable position/statement.

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The one that costs 4 million dollars for a mile of fencing? Some lucky republicans are making a pretty penny from that scam. I just saw a video this morning in which it took two young women less than 18 seconds to climb the stupid thing.

Scam indeed.


So the Sheriff is going to do what exactly? Say they are not wanted, do something about. This could easily be defined as assault with a deadly weapon.


I agree that the fence is stupid. And no only that… it affects animal migration and water flow as well. There was a fence built near Lukeville in SW AZ in which the lower part of the fence had holes but they got plugged by debris from washes the fence traversed. That caused water to back up and ruin the fence.
Go figure.


Arizona has extremely lax gun laws. Open carry is common. There’s nothing illegal (unfortunately) about fat idiots in camo waving guns around. And the AZ legislature is unlikely to fix this as it’s populated by knuckle draggers who think that guns in bars (legal) or classrooms (vetoed) is cool.


The moron militia strikes again. It would make you laugh, but I am afraid that someday, someone could get hurt.

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Surprised the scientists survived.

holy bat shit batman, some one could of been killed. Don’t worry my little cape crusading side kick, sooner or latter they will run into the cartels and become their bitches i mean victims.

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It’s not surprising this confrontation occurred. After all, armed border militia is a very bat idea.

REsearCHINg BAts? ThaT’s the BESt theSE BEAners coULD have COME up WITH? THE MILITIA sHOUld’ve SHOUTed “LA MIGRA” and THEse “bat researchERs” wOULD’ve SCAttered IN the WINd like BULLETs and BUrgers SHOOTing range RELEase forMS!1!11!!!1111one!!!1!!!


This movie is always a fresh riot!

If they pointed a weapon at anyone - and that person felt scared to any extent - that’s a felony assault in Arizona. Why weren’t these vigilante cowboys arrested?

If one of those assaulted folks had died from tripping, falling and/or a heart attack, then Arizona law states those with weapons MUST be charged with first degree murder.


Someone really needs to make a Blazing Saddles meets Militia, Cliven Bundy, Oathkeeper movie.

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If these yahoos wanna join the fight, why don’t they get a job w/ the border patrol? Probably most have been rejected from actual careers in law enforcement due to failing the psych. test.

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Could have ended badly. Why are these idiots allowed to run around armed on the border? It’s easy to imagine them in a blind, night time confrontation with border patrol agents.

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