Discussion: Armed Volunteer Border Militia Mistakes Conservationists For Illegals

Better yet, conspiracy to harass, wrongfully detain, etc. It’s a CONSPIRACY… and that gets really messy really fast.

And I’d be suing the cost of the night’s lost activities in civil court.


For there supposedly being such an influx of immigrants cutting through Texas, these yahoos can’t seem to find even one.
That doesn’t, for a second mean, that they aren’t still playing Rambo. The militia is an idiot test. If you are in one, you are an idiot.


Idiots. problem is that they are armed. these guys need a sane hobby

Only showing that you don’t have to be very bright to be a member of an armed and dangerous white supremacist militia. In fact, it’s probably an affirmative qualification.

I think to answer that question you need to know the history of one Harlon Carter.


How many people who were caught by these people trying to cross the border illegally are buried in unmarked graves in the desert?

It’s a question that kind of haunts me.

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You don’t need “science” if you got JESUS.

Is this really shocking? Border patrol is nothing but a bunch of semi-retarded bullies with a gun fetish; they don’t know HOW to ask who people are or what their purpose might be for being whereever they currently are!

I’m no lawyer, but it seems to me if you confront someone with a gun, and that person is completely within his rights to be or do whatever he’s doing, it’s assault with a deadly weapon. They should be arrested and charged with a felony.

If the sheriff doesn’t arrest these guys, I wonder if they can file a civil suit against them? I just don’t think anyone can shove a gun in your face for no reason.

That’s what I was thinking too…

You’re mixing up the official US Border Patrol (who are bad enough) with the volunteer citizen militias, who are the racist crazy people that accosted the scientists in this article.

What surprises me is that the Border Patrol haven’t done their jobs well enough to find the militia first.

Just a bunch of good guys with guns who were wearing the camos that they were saving for just the right occasion.