Damage is done.
They are not known as the Twitterati for nothing.
Profiles in Integrity.
Let’s see if this makes the local papers or the local TV news who used the tweet as the headline in Ohio.
Sure, we created a firestorm of controversy which had little basis in reality, but we deleted a tweet a couple weeks later and replaced it with one no one will ever see.
Damned left wing liberals.
Danmed Liberal Media…
If “omitting essential context” becomes the universal standard, Twitter is out of business.
Also, aren’t we at a point where there should be a word for deleting a tweet, such as "detweet?’
“The AP explained that the tweet was misleading and ‘not backed up’ by its own reporting.”
From the full statement:
“We regret the way in which AP standards were misrepresented by this tweet, and for the impression our staff are second-rate stenographers more concerned with personal ambition and preening egos than with factual reporting.”
“We apologize for the implication they sacrifice all credibility by phoning in debate on serious matters, in the mistaken impression that sucking-up to power and an adolescent need for approval come before the interests of the readers they supposedly serve.”
“We lament any suggestion they are wretched little toadies with zero concern for the critical issues facing our nation, or self-seeking vermin with epic, self-important narcissism and craven partisanship that some readers might find offensive.”
“We are sorry if this impression has come across.”
BREAKING: AP shuts barn door two weeks after horse escaped.
When this story came out two weeks ago, AP pushed a notification to my phone. I’m not seeing that now with the correction.
Lurid claims are 40 point headlines, retractions in the bottom 1/32 of page C-32 - next to the garage sale ads.
Only on Fantasy Island.
They get points for responding to criticism and improving their practices for the future. Still, they should make a point to correct the story loudly, because that tweet had a severe impact on the presidential race, and the fact that the story got things so wrong and damaged Clinton requires a bigger attempt to fix the error.
A more accurate headline would be
"AP re-words tweet after damage is done in a way that is still bullshit when compared to actual facts"
My goodness, well I will kindly direct any illiterate, mouthbreathing information averse bozos I run across to this fresh, interesting tl;dr asscovering job.
The tweet was intended to direct readers to an AP story that reviewed the frequency of meetings between Clinton and donors to her family’s charitable foundation while she was secretary of state.
Yeah, and it’s not just the tweet, the story the said tweet was to direct readers to, as well as their defense of that story, was a total fuckup. Are they retracting that shit too?
Democrats are fundraising off of Lauer’s incompetence.
It might be worth putting another TPM story from today in this context.
[Esquire Fires Up The Time Machine To Go Back To 2004 And Fact-Check Trump][1]
…During NBC News’ Commander-In-Chief forum on Wednesday night, Trump continued to deny that he had supported the Iraq War, citing the old Esquire story as proof.
Esquire appended an editor’s note to the story in question to set the record straight.
Esquire amended a story from 2004, less than 24 hours after Trump misrepresented it.
[1]: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/esquire-fact-checks-trump-on-iraq-war
"aren’t we at a point where there should be a word for deleting a tweet, such as “detweet?’”
May I suggest “twerk”?
“Many” is also misleading and inaccurate here. “Many” does not equal 154 meetings out of thousands of discretionary meetings. And, it doesn’t even get to the actual substance: NONE of these meetings yielded any evidence of a quid pro quo between donating to the Clinton Global Initiative and special treatment.