Discussion: AOC Says Progressive Dems' Frustration With Pelosi On Impeachment Is 'Quite Real'

That much is certain.


We should definitely follow what the polls say. After all, all the polls had Hillary ahead and she’s been a great president so far.

It’s a mystery to me why Pelosi is regarded as some sort of political genius. She was part of the brain trust that lost our country to Donald f’in Trump, mendacious idiot. Democratic gains in 2016 were due to voter anger about trump, not some genius plan on Pelosi’s part.

I firmly believe impeachment will be a gain for the Democrats, and that Pelosi is timid and defensive. But whether it’s a gain or not, it is absolutely the right thing to do.


Pelosi is right. Every day the GOP doesn’t have a hate item to focus on they unravel. Only the truly idiotic and the zealots will be left on the Right. Back to the caves for them.

Never interrupt an enemy when they’re making a mistake. Trump stands to crash so hard in 2020 his buildings will feel it.

Or better yet, the GOP vote-cheat machine reveals itself in all its glory. NC was neither the start nor the end.

Drive these people from the country. They are not Americans, they are religious traitors hell-bent on delivering holy war and the end of the world.


“And so I believe that our decision on impeachment should be based in our constitutional responsibilities and duties and not in elections or polling.”



“… I believe that our decision on impeachment should be based in our
constitutional responsibilities and duties and not in elections or

Obviously she has no idea how Government works.




AOC is right, of course. Pelosi failed to hold George W. Bush accountable for the Iraq War, so now that’s okay. Now, she’s doing it again with Trump. It’s not only immoral, but it makes the Dems look weak, which is TERRIBLE politics.


Fact: Progressives are the biggest problem with the Democratic Party. They act like they’re ideologically pure and only want policies that work, but it’s exactly the opposite: They only care about attacking Republicans because they think the system is broken and the only way to get good laws is to burn everything down including the Democratic Party. So they constantly attack Democrats and insist they’ll let Republicans win if their demands aren’t met; while the rest of us are sell-outs and idiots if we don’t agree.

Even if we impeach Trump, what difference does it make? We can’t remove him from office, so it’s all just political theater intended to hurt Trump and Republicans politically. Because that’s all progressives really care about: Not passing good laws, but political theater and symbolism. They like the Pelosi that insults Trump, not the Pelosi that passed Obamacare. Tells you everything you need to know about them.


Finally, it would appear the Sunday shows have some Democrats on.

One is saying his Administration would hold Trump accountable for alleged criminal acts, while the other is saying she’s itching to impeach. And, in the meanwhile, the military is doing their job defending this country by ignoring Trump. The knives are out for one Donald J. Trump.


Nonsense. Progressives are the heart and soul of the Democratic Party, and middle of the road “Republican Lites” like you are what gave us George W. Bush and Donald J. Trump.


The truly idiotic, the zealots, and the money. The GOP is now a ventriloquist’s dummy operated by the invisible hand of dark money. If the political currents break off the racist scum that currently constitute the political might of Organized Money, the money won’t go away. It will find another way to hack the system and secure the political power needed to translate that hack into continued domination.


From what I understand, it was healthcare that doomed Republicans most, not Trump. And as you said, voters are already upset about Trump. So how does impeachment help anything? Will a phony show trial make Trump even less popular? I don’t see how that’s possible. The Senate won’t remove him from office, so the only purpose of impeachment is political theater so we talk about Trump even more than we do already. I fail to see the point.


Centrists are the biggest problem with the Democratic party. They live in mortal fear of Republicans saying bad things about them. They think they can predict the future and read minds: Impeachment will only help Trump and Donald WANTS us to impeach him. They have no imagination and do not know how to build a narrative or connect with voters. In a sense they are correct, with Centrists in charge impeachment may not work because they would be too inept at building the story of Donald’s criminality in a way the voting public would understand, but instead would spend the entire proceeding bowing to Republican demands and responding to facetious Republican complaints.


Though I did, I (somewhat) wouldn’t have a problem with it ‘crashing n burning’ in the Senate.

I say somewhat, because my apprehension is to those who think that impeachment is an easy peasy thing, but who will probably fade when it fails.


Don’t forget they gave us St. Ronald Reagan, the godfather of all of this nonsense.

Nope. Liberals are the heart and soul of the Democratic Party. Like the liberals who got Obamacare passed, while progressives attacked Obamacare because it wasn’t pure enough. And it was progressives who gave us Bush and Trump, by saying that the parties are the same and who they’d rather let Republicans win if they can’t get the politicians they want. So Democrats waste their time defending against the left instead of focusing on the right.

And all you’ve done is proven my point by attacking me personally because I’m not pure enough. Did I say anything even remotely Republican-lite? Nope. You just attacked me because I said progressives only care about attacking Republicans instead of passing good laws. Because they think the system is broken and political theater is the only thing that matters.


I’m with her. Mine is “quite real” as well.

Signed, Impatient and Frustrated.


At what point would the House be derelict in their duty and in violation of their Oath of Office by not impeaching? OLC’s opinion leaves only this route to hold a rogue President accountable, and I would respectfully submit we are there. That’s there’s no real choice but to begin official investigatory proceedings if we are to stand true to the Constitution based on the Mueller Report and Trump’s own words and deeds.

The House can only do what the Constitution allows, and saying the Senate won’t follow through is not an acceptable excuse to evade their responsibility. It’s then up to the American people to force accountability from the Senate. And if the Senate doesn’t do its job, then people should vote accordingly.


The problem with your comment is that Progressive and Liberal of often seen as the same thing. Apparently you don’t think so, I tend to agree, but that is not what people normally think. I think your conflating Progressive and Centrist.