What difference could this make? Even if we successfully impeach Trump, there’s no chance the Senate will remove him from office. So it’s just political theater for no purpose and you guys are attacking your fellow Democrats over nothing.
And for the record, there are no centrists at TPM. That’s just an insult you guys invented to smear us because we support real things and not the political theater, symbolism, and insults that progressives focus on. The reason we don’t insult Republicans more is because insults are counterproductive. Republicans win with personal attacks and Democrats win on policy. Mud fights only play into their game.
Trend line is pretty clear. Dems support impeachment hearings and a majority are ready to move to embrace impeachment articles. Indies are also peeling off and are supporting impeachment, which is adding to the national numbers. People respect Speaker Pelosi but she is swimming against the tide. I think she has way more to gain by opening an inquiry and letting her Committee chairs run with it than she does from her current posture. She’s just fighting the base at this point.
The question wording is very inconsistent and is difficult to measure on a perfect apples to apples comparison. But I think one can glean a trend from all of this.
I would also note that members are saying that the calls on impeachment have been flooding offices over the past 4 weeks. Amash was really the catalyst.
Fun fact: 5 members of the Michigan Congressional delegation now support an impeachment inquiry (4 Dems + 1 GOPer). 3 of these are in purple districts. Impeachment may be more popular in middle America/purple America than folks realize.
She’s frustrated with Pelosi, but what about her fellow Congresspeople who are still on the fence with impeachment? Or are still against it? Be frustrated with them. They’re the problem, not Pelosi. By continually focusing their ire on one person, they allow those who Pelosi is protecting to hide behind her skirt.
“And so I believe that our decision on impeachment should be based in our constitutional responsibilities and duties and not in elections or polling.”
True, but I just can’t get on board with people who talk like this because it shows zero understanding of the reality we face. Getting rid of PP is job one and literally nothing else matters after that. Nothing. Although I’m for impeachment, I’m sick and tired of people acting like this is some kind of easy decision and the consequences be dammed. Fuck you. I’m sick of people pretending that those who are either on the fence or against it are apostates and that they don’t have very real and very valid concerns. This isn’t a game. If we manage to fuck this up, real fucking people will die. Real people will lose if this man is reelected. The fate of the fucking free world depends on us getting this right and some of these assholes want to turn this into some kind of purity pony, ideological, pissing match. It’s not.
exactly what is the point of impeachment if you can’t prove the allegations??? PELOSI knows this…obviously., this girl does not…I recall the impeachment of CLINTON…nothing was done until he lied about sex…and even then he remained in office ,when a prosecutor goes to court…he/she has his/her ducks in row,to do otherwise is foollish…is AOC really a DEMOCRAT? or is she another Sanders?
To me, it’s all a bunch of cult of personality bullshit. It doesn’t matter what one’s actual ideology or political beliefs are, it seems to be based almost solely in who you like or dislike. For instance, quite a few of us adore Warren yet cannot stand Sanders. There are many of us who agree with various policies Sanders espouses, but simply dislike the man for who he is. Despite all of that, we’re centrists because of who we like or dislike, because we see nuance on issues instead of just wanting to charge ahead. There just doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to placing people into these categories beyond which pols you like or dislike. That’s just stunningly shallow.
One of the big problems with progressives is that they honestly think everyone will agree with them, if only we listened. So if Democrats got better at political theater, symbolism, building narratives, and insults; Americans would rise up and support us. But in reality, 99.9% of Americans have already made up their minds and nothing Democrats or Republicans can say will change that.
Voters don’t choose between Republican and Democrat, but whether to vote at all. And one of the things non-voters hate most are political attacks. That’s why Republicans want everything to be a mudfest, to outrage their voters and hope everyone else hates politics too much to bother. The people who hate Trump are already on our side. We need to focus on voters who want results, not fights.
Pelosi pays attention to the fact is there is no majority of Democrats in the House or in the country demanding impeachment. True, the number may be rising, but neither the House nor Democrats in the country are there yet.
'the so-called PROGRESSIVES are the ‘tea party’ of the Democratic party, the hear and soul of the Party are the LIBERALS, the Tea Party is what gve the REPUBLICAN party GWB and D.TRUMPf.
Agreed. Also, there’s this weird insistence that the Democratic Party (voters) ideological makeup is very liberal. It’s really not. Hard left liberals or progressives are a minority of the party. The majority are just left of center.
Instead of asking members how frustrated they are with Pelosi, how about asking them what they have done to help the public/fellow Dems move towards impeachment? Simply paying lip-service is not gonna help.
That’s not correct. Liberals are lefties who think we can work within the current system to make the world a better place, while progressives think the system is corrupt so we need to burn it down and start over. That’s a key difference between Warren and Sanders, because Warren works within the system and Sanders thinks the system is the problem. Warren was only a progressive leader until she got in the Senate and lost fans because she doesn’t insult Republicans enough.
And that’s why progressives focus on purity instead of results. It’s not about what you did, but what you’re pushing for next. So they think FDR was a proud liberal while Obama was a centrist; even though Obama is further to the left than FDR was and did more liberal things than any progressive has. And Obama’s real sin is that he didn’t insult Republicans, because they think the system is corrupt so we might as well engage in full warfare until Republicans vanish from existence.
I think you’re kind of missing my point. My point is that the people who scream about centrists vs. liberals decide who gets put into those categories based almost entirely on whom others like, dislike, or support. You can support all of Sanders’ policies and you’re still labeled a centrist because you dislike Sanders himself. That’s why people who vote with Sanders 95-100% of the time are still labeled as centrists or not liberal enough. It’s ALL a cult of personality. None of it has a damn thing to do with policy. That why something like more than 20% of Sanders voters say they would refuse to vote for Warren if she won the nomination. IMO, she’s to the left of him, but she’s not him, so they can’t bring themselves to support her.
It will not be a pony show. It will force Republicans to confront reality in a public forum. The spotlight will be just as bright on the Congressional GOP as it will be on T rumpp. Faced with that spotlight, the GOP will either embrace it, or deny it. Either way, the voters will see it. Republicans must answer to their constituents if they want to remain in office.
Q. Which party has been denying reality regarding this POS POTUS since the he illegitimately got elected?