I am 100% sure they are all church going citizens and there is absolutely no racism involved in this one. They are pure as the driven snow and I’m sure they know what Sharia law is and where it is being applied in the world these days. They are very well educated US Citizens and I bet most of them have real college degrees.
Making America sick again!
I want to go to the demonstrations in favor of re-instituting Lex Talionis.
Where can I sign up?
Also, I’ll sign up for any legal system which excludes Alan Dershowitz.
What these morons never seem to accept is that Sharia is the Muslim equivalent of, say, Roman Catholic catechism, or the Anglican creed, or the Methodist handbook.
It’s a set of rules about how you worship and what your religion teaches—not a set of civil laws.
First, these guys need to learn and obey the laws of this country.
The only new law we need to protect us from Sharia is the Equal Rights Amendment. Tell me again why that won’t pass?
Hello…Hello boys…
First the right would have to accept that those Christian religous rule sets aren’t suppose to be the basis for our civil laws.
Amped-up bigots, ensuring that there will be another Portland before long. Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a president who could instill a sense of fraternity in Americans?
Popcorn. Check.
Lawn chair. Check.
Sunscreen. Check.
Water. Check.
Okay, all set. Where’s the nearest “rally?” I want to get there early to grab a spot. I’m sure that these rallies will be even huger than the masses that attended The Grabber’s inauguration.
Just make Buddhism the state religion and we will all get along in perfect peace and harmony.
Buddhism is peaceful, harmonious, with no history of violence.
ACT for America, claims Shariah “is incompatible with Western democracy…”
“…and, besides, we’re busy enough imposing Christian laws on America.”
One theocracy at a time, people, one theocracy at a time…
The only religious fundamentalist laws in America are Christian based. So, we’ll see rallies against those as well?
I’m telling you, these guys will all be on board once they understand the “I divorce you, I divorce you, I divorce you” thing; also, Shiite temporary marriages.
The woman who founded this organization is named Brigitte Gabriel, a Lebanese Christian who grew up during their civil war. Seems she was deeply traumatized by that war as a young girl.
Her intense feelings are easy to understand. Now she infects others with her hatred.
Tragic. We’ve heard this story before.
My sign is ready. I’ll be at the Unity Rally in San Jose.
Are you against abortion due to your religious beliefs? Not nearly all of the 10 Commandments are honored as laws in the US. It is the law of the land and you are trying to undermine that law in favor of Christian Law. You should be deported for that.
Yeah cause Shariah Law is the biggest threat the US faces and it’s immediate!
How do they persuade these people that this is actually a danger to the US? How?
Maronites also are commonly Phalangists, which are the Lebanese branch of Italian Fascists. It was the Maronites who entered the Palestinian refugee camps in Sabra and Shatila and committed the horrible massacre that occurred there in 1982, at the behest of Ariel Sharon.
A little historical context. Gabriel is still associated with Lebanese Phalangists.
I’m already 6,000 miles away. DHS may be looking at me anyway, because of my active Twitter life as “TheWraithOfEustaceTilley”
I guess if they believed that Obama was going to put them in FEMA camps and take away their guns, it wasn’t much of a step to believe Sharia law would be imposed. They live in an alternate universe.