Discussion for article #240997
What a wacko.
“You guys are clowns.”
Project much?
"I’m doing my homework"
Translation: “I read blogs”
Look, Gumby. You wanna arrest her? You know where she is. Come and get some.
Would be much more believable if his ass had actually left Arizona at some point.
Increasingly, I find myself wondering if we should be grateful that the Soviet habit of treating dissidents as insane, locking them up in mental hospitals and drugging the shit out of them warned us of the terrible slippery slope to tyrannical cynicism we embark upon when we treat political deviancy as mental illness, or curse them for poisoning the well so badly that we won’t lock up people who are dangerously out of their heads when their insanity takes a political bent.
I’ve said it before and am quite serious: This is a manifestation of mental illness.
Should we lock these people up? No, routinely, no.
But when threats get acted out, they should be treated as criminal.
I feel this video is probably better seen after translated into German. To paraphrase the late great Molly Ivins.
She isn’t in Michigan right now. The Senate is in session and they’re in the middle of a funding fight over Planned Parenthood. And very likely the DC police are taking a dim view of this guys threats. And DC has rather strict gun laws I expect. Well, stricter than Arizona at any rate.
Note - still a free man.
At what point does a “citizen’s arrest” turn into a “kidnapping?” This clown needs to find out what happens when the Feds have a beef with him.
Meet the next Timothy McVeigh
So when he shows up in DC armed to the teeth? Can he be arrested then? I agree there is something gone wrong in his head that should be dealt with.
Most states will lock up someone who can be shown to be a danger to himself or others
Skipped through it…I recommend decaf and a BJ.
Good Lord! We gave this man guns when he was in the military?? He needs a padded cell – and maybe revoke his internet and library privileges, too.
Yeah let him have all the guns he wants… because freedum…
LOL this fucking guy. This really put a smile on my face. What a fucking looney toon.
OK, but it’s only gay if I like it, right?