Are you saying this big. bad ex-military man can’t read a fucking map? Shit, there are STALKERS who track down people and figure out ways to get at them better than this jamook. Then they complain that people are disrespecting their intelligence.
I am constantly amused by these guys who are ready to fight to the last drop of someone else’s blood.
Just like the climate change deniers and the anti-vaxxers and who knows what’s next. "97% worldwide consensus based on decades of constant review is NOTHING because I found a single online crank outside of the field who disagrees!! Everything else is a conspiracy! Wake UP!!1!"
This guy has entirely too much extra time on his hands. I suggest that he finds a hobby he likes or spends more time with his family whose safety he claims he’s so concerned about.
He should be building a bunker somewhere that he can spirit them away to when Obama comes for his guns. /s/
Why is this guy going after Stabenow? Of all the senators she has to be the least physically intimating. Why isn’t he going after Gary Peters, the other Michigan Senator, or Martin Heinrich and Tom Udall who represent neighboring New Mexico? Mr. Tough Ex-Marine picks on the smallest and weakest persons. He thinks he’s tough but he’s one big pussy/bully.
Bingo! Sadly, most mental health laws are reactive, instead of proactive. I work in the field, and we see it all too often. Something bad has to happen before anyone takes any action. Family and friends, more often than not, do not want to confront mental illness; sometimes out of fear, but mostly, they simply don’t want to be burdened by it. Immediate family members go into a state of denial and often go blind to it, as a result. Also, keep in mind, in the past, it was revealed that he owns a small arsenal…a tragedy is on the horizon. This guy is a powder keg.