Discussion: Anthony Scaramucci Says He'll Speak Publicly Friday

Pendant time. Is trialled a verb?

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I see the Faux News to tRump pipeline works in reverse as well.

Sorry. Its all I got since this moron is already yesterday’s news…

Oh dear , taking the spotlight away from Trumpy again ! Trumpy will have a yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge tantrum , but at least you*re no longer in Trumps employment .

Who cares?

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Arrivemucci douche!

Scaramucci Says He’ll Speak Publicly Friday
That’s his idea of “going dark.”

Nope. He’s not big enough to be a professional wrestler.

When he’s on Dancing With the Stars, he’ll redeem himself.

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This is classic, Mooch refuses to leave the stage even though he was given the hook by General Kelly. He wants to remain “relevant” for whatever of his 15 minutes in the spotlight remains. Late night talk show hosts and comedians everywhere await The Mooch’s next performance. Can he possibly top autofellatio ( Bannon ) and cock blocking ( Priebus ) on Friday ? I know Mooch will not disappoint.


When will Stephan Bannon make his way there?

Depends on what you mean by “cares.” I guess I don’t care whether he speaks or not, but I’m pretty much looking forward to this … are you saying you’re not? I hope he stays in the public eye at least long enough for the new SNL season to kick off.

Isn’t that Trump’s bus?

Apparently not smart enough, either.

Oh, I dunno. It will no doubt be entertaining and, hopefully, a total shitshow haha

If he’s smart he just says “hey, I was hired to do a job and thought what they wanted of me was to come out swinging and talking tough to beat back the critics and haters. I went overboard. I made a mistake. Live and learn.” But he’s not smart haha

“Y’know the thing about a Scaramucci, he’s got… lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn’t seem to be livin’… until he front stabs ya. And those black eyes roll over white, and then… oh, then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin’”.


He should stay in the spirit world.

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O, yeah he’d be good for SNL, that’s for sure. LOL

New SyFy movie starring Anthony Scaramucci “Attack of the Undead Osmonds.”

Something about his ‘PERARLIES’…
Come here little girl…want some candy?

This assumes we’re interested in anything Little Nicky Scarfo has to say.

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