It’ll be more Priebus-like verbal gushing, I’m sure.
Here’s a media tip for you, Mooch—nobody fucking cares whether you speak or not.
OH YAY! (sorry, mattinpa)
What, he needs to run out and get another supply of Brylcreem before facing the camera? A little dab will do ya. Yes, I’m that old.
Poe’s law remains in effect and yet I swear I detect a facetious note.
I see a little silhouetto of a man…
the guy whose 15 minutes were almost literally 15 minutes is trying to stretch it to 20…
He didn’t stay dark long. Idiot.
This guy has some boundary issues. As in he needs some. Between him and the public.
This is a man with a premature baby just out of NICU. IT really seems inhuman. These people don’t act like real people. He doesn’t even seem to think about the child. No, what is important is fluffing Trump who just fired him.
Hey kids, cover your ears.
He’ll either give Trump a tongue bath or call him a ___ __ ___ ___ __ _____ ___ __ _______ __ _ __ ____ ___ -_ ____ ____!!!1111!one!!!
He will blame it all on the media–bank on it
He should give his speech at another Boy Scout event.
Actually I’ll bet 20 bucks he’s restrained, professional, charming even. Other side of the coin.
Scaramucci said that the event will be available on several public platforms during the day with the help of former Fox News executive Bill Shine, per CNN.
Just on Tuesday, Scaramucci told the Huffington Post that he planned to “go dark” now that he was forced out of the White House.
LOL what a flake (and fake). He’s trying to drag out his 15 minutes. Like coke, fame can be a helluva drug,
I think this is all set up by the Reality Show king Trump with the help of FOX. My prediction is Scaramooch will stay true to form and keep his lips planted firmly on Trump’s ass. He won’t say anything negative about Trump because he wants to stay in Trump’s good graces. Trump gets off on people saying how wonderful he is and he values loyalty. In return I’m sure Trump has a job lined up for the Mooch.
I don’t think dark means what he thinks it means.
Now he’s going public, before going dark…jebus can you imagine if he was still on Donald’s staff the back and forth…well he would fit right in with Donald’s style even if not on the same page.
Probably one of the reasons his wife left him…