Discussion: Another Police Shooting Reported Amid St. Louis Protests

Discussion for article #226322

More detailed reporting in The Guardian

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Every photo I have seen from Ferguson has the cops in full riot gear, complete with camo outfits, looking like they are gearing up to play Call of Duty. Yet this photo has them still in their blues. Interesting…


These look like State Troopers…maybe they got the short end of the militarization budget and surplus war goodies handout.


You’re right. The lettering on the bulletproof vest is “TROOPER”


AT last a good guy with a gun got a bad guy with a gun

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No, no…these are crossing guards.

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God only knows the facts behind this incident (and we still don’t know about the original one either) but this situation is ripe for exploitation by all sorts of crazies, especially the Sovereign Citizen types and others thinking it’s race-war time. It’s really a terrible situation and the sunlight of a forthright investigation into the original shooting is probably the only thing that would defuse it.


Where’s Bundy? We need a Batman light to signal the Oathkeepers and NRA to defend our freedoms…oh, wait…brown people…

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It was OK for Bundy ranchers and supporters (Whites) who were protesting/having a stand off to have their guns, point them at police officers but it’s NOT okay for blacks to do it.

For the record, it is never OK to threaten a police officer. But my point is, when a segment of this population does something it’s called ‘fighting for their freedom’ and when another segment does it they are hooligans and criminals.


President Obama: send in the National Guard to rout out these Bull Connor lookin’ sonsofbitches.

I keep hearing Mrgvin Gaye singing " Trigger happy policemen"

This is just an outrage. I agree with Note the Difference

Never a good idea pointing a gun to a police officer.

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Well, at this point, we only have the police side of that story…and their credibility is a bit strained right now, to say the least.


I live in STL. Yesterday we saw state troopers staging at a bank parking lot in Clayton, a few miles away from Ferguson.

If I had to choose, I’d much rather deal with a state trooper than Ferguson police.

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Your point is extremely valid. Hell, nobody was gunned down on the Bundy ranch stand off, as opposed to what is going on in Ferguson.

There must be some difference between the two events though, to explain the different reactions. I wonder what it could be…

Between the shooting and the looting, I’m not sure who is credible at this point.

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“Hands in the Air- Don’t Shoot” demonstrators do not wear ski masks.

Look for outside agitators or simple criminals.


This is a police department that had one of their officers shoot an unarmed man multiple times while he was running away. And they refuse to even release the officer’s name.

I am not saying that things aren’t out of control there, but when a report is strictly coming from the police without any corroborating evidence or eyewitness accounts…it should be view with a great deal of skepticism at this point.


A lot of the frustration comes the lack of information being released by the Ferguson police department. Its not so much that the officers name is being held, its things like how many shots were fired, how many times was the victim hit by gunfire, and most importantly was the victim shot in the back. I can understand why people would think that the police department is doing a coverup job to protect the officer that did the shooting.