Discussion: Another Police Shooting Reported Amid St. Louis Protests

PleASE sTOP the WAr oN wHITes. LIBrUL GUILT fUEls THE War ON WhiTEs!!!1!1!1!1one!!1!!!11!1!1

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Reagan was anti-gun back when the Black Panthers were arming themselves.


Apparently nobody in authority in either the Ferguson police department or the St. Louis County police agrees with you. They seem to think their cover up is going fine and everything is just dandy. A few more days cracking the heads of those “animals” and they will all be back in their cages.

I am ashamed for my state. I am deeply ashamed that there are no men or women of integrity in authority in Ferguson. Nobody seems to care at all about the law or justice.


Two thirds of the population is Black. Ninety-seven percent of the police are White.


Apparently the Ferguson police view themselves more as prison guards than real policemen serving their community.


Lawanda Wallace, 40, got closer than anyone else to the stone-faced officers and accused them of racism. “It’s just the same as 40 years ago,” said Wallace. “When white people do it, it’s an honest uprising; when black folks do it, it’s rioting and looting.”

They get it. Now, what can be done about it?


How could he do that? There are actual laws that govern how and why the President can call up the National Guard.


Cops are a cult.

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Correct punctuation…appropriate capitalization…calm and reasoned argument…my God! What have you done with Eustace!

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This is what happens when you “militarize” the police.
Their “mission” stops being “protect and serve” and becomes “search and destroy”.
When you train them to be a military force they see every single situation as a combat mission (as any military force would.)
America is looking more and more like Apartheid South Africa every day.


Next up: George Zimmerman, the Pillsbury Doughboy’s
Evil Twin, arrives to protect the business people.

The only good cop is one who has shuffled off this mortal coil.

That’s probably why they didn’t fire on the protesters again last night. The Ferguson police have been escalating the situation rather than de-escalating it. The Ferguson police have been giving a master class in how not to handle this kind of situation.

Yesterday I saw on twitter a picture purportedly of the police chief’s son with a confederate flag prominently displayed on a wall in the background. Last night I read on twitter that the Coroner is refusing to release Michael Brown’s autopsy report.

It’s twitter so take it with a huge grain of salt but right now we don’t even know how many times the kid was shot.


In truth nobody would believe a non-incriminating report on the Mike Brown shooting that came out of ether Ferguson or St. Louis County. I know I wouldn’t. The official reports we do have are roundly contradicted by non-police witnesses.

White cops shoot Black people so often that parents school their children on how to survive an encounter with police. Even so way too many of these killings happen to make it look like anything but flat out racial discrimination. Watch for the feds to investigate and overhaul Ferguson’s PD at great expense with little result.

(Hint to cops) You can unskew your statistics by wasting mentally ill White people. http://www.cnn.com/2014/06/20/us/albuquerque-police-investigation/index.html

I thought Zimmerman was watching a gun store in Florida.

At this point, nothing the Ferguson Police Department says should be given credibility. They lost that credibility when they issued a report about the cop shooting Michael Brown multiple times without even talking to an eyewitness.

And, yes, why can’t black people also carry weapons? It was okay for Bundy and his crew to point weapons at federal officials, but not for people with darker skin. What a messed up country.


Bundy’s armed mob was not even tear gassed. They didn’t take away the free speech and assembly rights of all the whites in the surrounding area around the Bundy ranch.

Many differences. It’s not just being white or black but, also, left or right.

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Who is the spokesman for Ferguson? Baghdad Bob?

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Racism and the media’s complicity in perpetuating the notion that people of color or those camping on Wall St. are scary but that secessionist minded law-breakers who are white are “patriotic”. This whole country has been inside out since day one.

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