General prudence on his part when you have the Republicans out to get him. But will feed the whole conspiracy theory-minded RWNJ’s.
Reposting my comment from last night on another thread.
Here’s an interesting tidbit that explains some of the latest unhinged tweets attacking the FBI. Trump is a conspiracy monger and he has been taking the demented ravings of CT sites like Gateway Pundit at face value. Here’s one of the tweets:
The latest Gateway Pundit “scoop” seizes upon released texts from Page and Strzok, two FBI agents who used their work phones to communicate because they were having an affair, which has made their texts public property. Conservatives have pulled several of these messages out of context to paint lurid conspiracies. This text finds that they mentioned “oconus lures,” an apparent reference to spies outside the United States. Page and Strzok were requesting spies, therefore, Gateway Pundit concludes, “the FBI was engaged in Spygate” – i.e., the investigation of Trump’s campaign – “long before they let on.”
Assuming that is what the texts mean, nothing in the messages makes any reference either to the Trump campaign or to Russia. It’s not surprising or scandalous that FBI agents would be using espionage tradecraft. Gateway Pundit seems to have invented the crucial factual element of the conspiracy out of thin air.
It does seem to represent a new step that Trump is citing right-wing conspiracy theories who operate at a full level farther removed from reality than the right-wing conspiracy theorists he customarily cites.
Now, Renato Mariotti has posted this tidbit in response to an announcement today that former Deputy FBI director, McCabe’s lawyers have asked the Senate Judiciary Committee to extend immunity from prosecution to McCabe in return for full testimony to the committee.
Given the hostility of Trump friendly Senators on the committee, this is indeed a wise move. However the right wing CT world is extatic and conflating this standard practice (e.g. Ollie North) with their QAnon bullshit regarding the OIG report referenced by Trump in one of his tweets today. They are certain that McCabe is going to confess before the Senate, the OIG report will vindicate Trump, and all of Trump’s enemies including McCabe, Comey, Hillary, Rosenstein and maybe even Mueller and others will be indicted and jailed.
The next few days will be even crazier than today and Trump is tweeting crazy shit even as I write:
There is absolutely no evidence to support any of his bullshit and these unhinged assertions.
The GOP, Fox News, and the rest of the right-wing media will have a field day with this - but given how vindictive, misleading, and dishonest Republicans are, one can hardly blame McCabe for taking steps to protect himself.
Is there any doubt Trump’s no longer composing some of his own tweets.
Are you calling the POTUS a liar?
trump should not be calling anyone else incompetent. He at minimum should look to himself before going there…but we all know he won’t.
Nice post. I often fear to tread in those fever swamps for fear of infection but it’s wild to see the rank speculation that passes as gospel in those circles. In related news I guess Judicial Watch are now experts in espionage and counterintelligence? ¯_(ツ)_/¯
You took the thought right out of my brayn, that was my first reaction reading that tweet.
FOX is bad enough but when you say the words “Gateway Pundit” it’s an announcement that whatever follows is wildly false and implausible in a way that would be obvious to anyone but Jim Hoft, long famed as the “stupidest man on the Internet.” He literally does either make it up or find some shred of nothing on which he builds a huge if tottering conspiracy. That the president of the United States believes that crap is horrifying.
That which is Evil can and will do anything. Being the Deceiver is a specialty of Evil.
No. I’m calling him a liar and a scoundrel and a threat to national security.
The FBI has been illegally infiltrating, disrupting, and undermining law-abiding peaceful anti-war and civil rights groups for decades, and for as long as McCabe has been a part of the FBI.
I hope he gets the justice he deserves.
Trump does not need to believe it, he only needs to amplify it so that others believe it.
Evil has no beliefs; it merely strives to make others believe the Lies it spews in service of its goal of power through destruction.
I get what you’re saying, but McCabe isn’t being called to answer for all of the past sins of the FBI but rather to continue to stoke right-wing conspiracy theories about the Clinton E-Mail server investigation. McCabe may not be the Greatest American Hero in all of this, but he doesn’t seem to be the villain either.
But he’s sick enough that he’ll believe anything he feels is good for him, no matter how implausible. That seems clear. His relationship to reality is very different from a normal person’s.
Interesting post, Russian asset, insofar as having to decipher your exact angle in trying to sow strife amongst us.
Oh, I just got it! You are pushing that we must distrust and hate the FBI just like the message Trump/Putin are propagating.
This is how far through the looking glass we’ve come. The FBI and the intelligence community have done oodles of reprehensible things. They’re also one of the remaining forces between us and a complete breakdown of what we used to know as democracy.
It’s like the days in WW2 when the mob was on the lookout for nazi saboteurs.
The self-styled far left, the ones that try to claim sole ownership of the word “progressive”… they really aren’t big on the ordering of priorities.
Come to think of it, neither is the so-called Freedom Caucus.