Complete fraud, complete farce.
This gets one response, and one response only, from Dr. Ford. On Thursday morning, she (or better yet, her attorney) says:
“I am here at your invitation, Sen. Grassley. I am here to answer questions of any U.S. Senator, but I will not answer any questions by anybody else.”
Graham…said he viewed the hearing as a legal proceeding.
Graham translator says, We’re going to put her on trial and prosecute her.
Good to hear from the Palace Fluffer again. Keep up the good work, Lindsay.
So, the Democrats on the committee don’t get to ask questions for themselves? And who comes up wth the questions? The hired mouthpiece, or are they handed to her by the Old White Boyz? These guys are despicable poltroons.
The farce is strong with these ones.
Grassley: We are just doing our part to support #MeToo movement.
“I don’t believe you have to believe a woman because they said it. I do believe a lot of women get abused who never say anything.”
Kind of sums up the world women face.
And who will be asking Kavanaugh his questions? Outside counsel for that as well???
And a complete tragedy for the country.
Someone needs to sit in the audience in a chicken suit, or better yet Hirono which appears to have the guts to do it, ought to call out her republican counterparts for being such cowards that they will not question Ford face to face when they go on TV and say she is lying.
Welcome to life in a one party government.
Better yet, Cowardly Lion.
Graham justified the unusual choice by saying there were too many senators on the panel to allow any one the time necessary to perform sufficient questioning, and said he viewed the hearing as a legal proceeding.
WTF? A legal proceeding?? That would require you fucks to go by the law, Senator Graham – but you need to get that out there to your Fox watching masses that this is what a ‘legal proceeding’ looks like. November can’t come soon enough.
The tragedy is only beginning.
funny, Hirono used to be milquetoast, kind of embarrassing. But wow did she find her spine and her voice! aloha–
So, since this is true of every Senate hearing, this is going to be routine for every Senate hearing from now on?
Ford should refuse. A prosecutor is not out to get the truth, There job is to win their case.
This is not a trial…
A prosecutor is a legal representative of the prosecution in countries with either the common law adversarial system, or the civil law inquisitorial system. The prosecution is the legal party responsible for presenting the case in a criminal trial against an individual accused of breaking the law.
A legal proceeding??
Yes, so they can proceed to bash the victim like it’s cross-examination.