So does this make the necessary fourth R to pass the resolution in the Senate?
Alexander’s imminent retirement has freed him up to buck Trump and the party on certain issues.
In other words, he’s the very definition of a Rethugliklan patriot.
@katscherger It doesn’t matter if the resolution passes if a veto isn’t overridden. It’s just more kabuki.
Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-LA), a retiring lawmaker
Notice how GOP congresscritters occasionally remember that they once had a spine when they announce they are retiring?
“One must never mistake quivering jello for a backbone.”
— American Osteopathic Association
May be retiring but I could still see those chicken feathers sticking out of his jacket.
So what is the endgame when Trump vetoes the Senate’s bill and a 2/3 majority is required to override that veto?
I believe it’s to hand Cockholster the checkbook.
Some people think that expressing the will of Congress-- both houses-- will much strengthen the legal case. Congress Has Spoken, even if the president hasn’t changed his mind.
That could be decisive in court.
Yay, another Pyrrhic victory!
Well Cornyn tells me he has concerns, but Trump is right to do so.
Thank you, Kate Riga, for noting this telling detail:
Alexander said, careful to use the passive voice.
Can’t really get up the energy to give the GOP a pat on the back for forcing Trump to get out his veto pen once before setting fire to the Constitution. As we said in fourth grade, “big whoop!”
Is Lamar Alexander related to Susan Collins? They talk alike, i.e. tepidly forceful until it is time to vote…
Fred must’ve slipped him a little Super Sauce.
“To the Super Coop!”
It might not be the end of the emergency declaration effort, obviously. But it would be a serious rebuke to Trump to get even four “no” votes on what he’s presented as vital when they’ve been so generally slavish. This situation has the feel of a tipping point. They’ll never abandon him completely, I’m not saying that, but they also may not continue to jeopardize their own political fortunes to save his. It could be McConnell’s quietly put the word out that that’s where we are, 20 months away from 2020.
Somewhere in there is a lawsuit in which Nancy Pelosi has standing.
Good. It will make it easier to campaign against him.
Some are saying a vote against Trump on this is a potential vote against Trump on impeachment/conviction, as if this is a dry run. Now, I don’t know much about that, but every Republican vote against Trump on any issue is welcome.