Discussion: Alex Trebek Says He's On Board With Climate Change

Discussion for article #223242

“…So in case you were wondering whether Trebek agreed with the overwhelming consensus of climate scientists who believe human activity contributes to global warming…”

We weren’t.


Now, now, he’s very influential with the old people.


What a SHOCK!!!

The host from a “spin-the-wheel-and-guess-letters” show mocks global warming, and the host from a “actually-know-millions-of-facts-and-quickly-spout-them-out” show knows the facts.

I’m flabbergasted.



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BTW, if he merely “believes” it, then he’s not much better than Pat Sajack. Belief has little to do with it. The DATA says it’s true. And data just doesn’t lie.

“if he merely “believes” it, then he’s not much better than Pat Sajack.”

You’re being ridiculously contentious on a semantic point. I believe that evolution is a fact. Does that mean I’m not much better than Ken Ham?


What do talk show hosts think about the relationship between tax rates and the marginal propensity to consume in this country?


You’re reading that way wrong.

“I fact that climate change is real.” Is that what he should have said?

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BREAKING NEWS: conservative white man believes in science. Details at 11!

The old socially liberal, fiscally conservative card eh Alex? So Alex believes in science when it comes to the environment, but not when it comes to the failure of ‘trickle down’ economics? Understand that’s what a white conservative means when they talk about being ‘fiscally conservative’. He’s not a racist, just the policies he supports…see?

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“Fiscally conservative” is such an ambiguous term. He might have come out with the “socially liberal, fiscally conservative” moniker, knowing that it’s a middle ground. If he’d said, “I’m a screaming liberal,” then Fox would make him the lead story about how he is indoctrinating the world with socialism.


Hold the presses!!! Another game show host has weighed in on global warming!
Yeah…I can just hear the RWNJs saying "but that one doesn’t count.
“He’s Canadian, don’t ya’ know?”

I think I’ll keep an open mind until Wink Martindale weighs in on this.


BTW, OT but “Yooper” was just added to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary this year. Can’t believe it took them this long to get around to that one…

Is he still alive?

That is what happens when you base your entire career on getting the FACTS RIGHT.
You tend to believe THE FACTS, not the New-Speak of the corporate-deniers.

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Well, I know I like him, and don’t call me old!


I’ll take science facts for $200 Alex…
Ding, ding, ding…
You’ve hit the Daily Double!!!

You forgot to add: “…through facts and knowledge.”
That? Would be “worthy” of a FuxNewsscrollingchyron.


I don’t think that’s fair of you, Maxie. In fact, I don’t see anything conservative about shifting the tax burden from the rich to the poor and middle-classes, or denying the need to raise the debt ceiling.
Many liberals are concerned with cronyism, the huge cost over-runs of military and other government operations, the chicanery in our tax code that favors the extremely wealthy, the increasing amount of the budget that goes to servicing the national debt, etc.
I feel the supply-siders, free market fundamentalists, and anti-government extremists have highjacked the term “conservatism,” just as I feel that anti-abortionists, dominionists, homophobes and zenophobes have arrogated unto themselves an unwarranted monopoly on what it means to be a “Christian” that supports “family values.”