The Republican Party should rebrand itself as the FUBAR Party. That would be more descriptive.
The State of Alabama should have revoked his law license a very long time ago, too.
Yeah…I’m sure Moore’s supporters are just gonna accept whatever the 21 members of Alabama’s Republican Party central steering committee decide.
It’s like watching a truck careening out of control. And the truck is on fire. And it’s headed toward a gas station. And the gas station is on fire.
Oh nooooes, the Clinton machine got to Shelby too!!!1!
Who is going to bring the marshmallows to toast?
Write in ‘Mickey Mouse’.
I hear there is a campaign to raise money for the Judge Roy Moore legal defense fund. If you contribute $100, Rand Paul will mow your lawn for you. And here’s the best part. If you’re not completely satisfied, you get to kick the shit out of him.
Is it a bear?
I just want whatever does the most serious and lasting damage to the GOP possible to be what transpires.
I’m greedy like that.
PedoCristianist tweets:
Mitch McConnell’s days as Majority Leader are coming to an end very soon.
Sounds like a threat to me. Not so much a dog whistle as a dog airhorn. Am I wrong? Should someone alert the Secret Service? Or just sit back and watch?
Weak sauce from Moore. Tonight, he’s making another appearance in a town of 5,000 people.
Yeah, he’s feeling mighty confident, Roy Boy is.
Of course. It was all laid out in those missing emails.
Wait, I’ve been receiving random Clinton emails with my monthly Soros checks. Do you think these might be the Missing Emails?
(insert Law and Order dun dun here)
GOP tries to sweep its radioactive base under the rug. You’ll never guess what happens next.
Moore could instantly salvage his campaign (and his odds), his reputation and once again be a “GOP member in good standing” if he called a press conference and explains how much he wants to cut taxes for the 1%.