Apparently this guy doesn’t understand that Bentley is a Republican.
Ethics are for Democrats and poors - but I repeat myself.
The Republican sexual affair of the month. Stay tuned!
In October, Zeigler faced criticism for speaking to a neo-Confederate group about his ongoing efforts to return portraits of segregationist former Govs. George and Lurleen Wallace to the state Capitol rotunda.
Zeigler told TPM at the time that the League of the South was not a hate group, and called those who listened to his speech “the nicest people I’ve ever met.”
The League of the South has long been classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
So this is, essentially, Drumpf v Carnival lite.
Why didn’t Gov. Viagra just check in the Super 8 under the names of Mr and Mrs. Viagra?
Keep it simple stupid?
Bentley is a Republican.
Along with badges and a sense of shame, he has no steenking ethics.
Is it unseemly to be laughing SO FUCKING HARD this week?
using state property in furtherance of their personal relationship
“I cried and ran for the disinfectant when I saw the State Seal,” confessed Zeigler.
I don’t have to show you no stinkin’ badges.
Dammit. I was going to post the exact same link – except pointing out that the whole state of Alabama don’t need no stinkin’ ethics.
Ah, the family values Party, AGAIN.
Now if the governor has been portraying this mistress as his aide, when he knows she is legally employed by a lobbyist who are supporting his agenda, indeed this s definitely an ethics issue.
Who knows what state government information she has been exposed too but not privy to see or have knowledge of. I’m sure she’s seen and heard things that were in conflict of interest. This activity has put every Alabamian at a severe disadvantage, without knowing they were at risk because their governor, plainly lied to them.
And former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman is still in prison…
Dem guv Siegelman is in prison, and this GOP guv is not.
Southern justice, what a disaster!
Wasn’t Bush’s brain, Karl Rove involved in the Siegelman case?
Ohh yea —
The “nicest people he ever met” could still be a group of haters if the medium nicest people he ever met were all people who blew up and shot up black churches, participated in lynch mobs and murdered civil rights workers.
Hopefully not an STD.
Yep. Bentley claimed that gays were destroying the “sacred institution” of marriage
February 9, 2015
MONTGOMERY—Governor Robert Bentley on Monday issued a statement on the issuance of same sex marriage licenses by Alabama Probate Judges. The statement is below.
“The issue of same sex marriage will be finally decided by the U.S. Supreme Court later this year,” Governor Robert Bentley said. “I have great respect for the legal process, and the protections that the law provides for our people. I am disappointed that a single Federal court judge disregarded the vote of the Alabama people to define marriage as between a man and woman.
“I agree with the dissenting opinion from U.S. Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia when they stated, ‘Today’s decision represents yet another example of this Court’s cavalier attitude toward the States. Over the past few months, the Court has repeatedly denied stays of lower court judgments enjoining the enforcement of state laws on questionable constitutional grounds.’
“This issue has created confusion with conflicting direction for Probate Judges in Alabama. Probate Judges have a unique responsibility in our state, and I support them. I will not take any action against Probate Judges, which would only serve to further complicate this issue.
Zeigler told TPM at the time that the League of the South
was not a hate group, and called those who listened to his speech
“the nicestpeopleracists I’ve ever met.”
Alabama: Come for the biscuits and gravy. Stay to gawk at the slow-motion train wreck of a state government run by white people desperately seeking to restore life as it was before the Civil Rights Act.