Discussion: Alabama Guv Signs Law Requiring Chemical Castration For Some Sex Offenders

Meanwhile, a 13-year-old impregnated by her rapist would be forced to carry it to term.


And, as sexual desire is often not the only motivator for those driven to commit sex crimes, it could be limited in its effectiveness.

Weā€™re anti science and we aims to prove it


Are there side effects of this law (not including its ineffectiveness)? Personally I think it does no harm.

No. I get it, but no. Lock 'em up, send 'em to counseling, put ā€˜em on a registry, etc., but peoplesā€™ bodies are sacrosanct. Where does this line of reasoning end? Rendering women who have abortions barren? Enough is enough. Fuck these people and their deep desire to enact as much of Hammurabiā€™s Code and Old Testament style law as possible just to prove they can exert control and dominion.


It being Alabama Iā€™m sure there is an exception there for rape and incest.


If itā€™s so great, why not use it for regular rapists? Oh right, it might interfere with their Senate campaigns.


And the rapists gets parental rights, too!

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Well, they let the guy out of prison earlier if he agrees to this treatment. So if it also fails to stop his criminal behaviors, then yes, there are bad side effects.


So he can get out early if he agrees to have the treatment? That sucks. I thought itā€™s an additional punishment.
ETA: The article said the castration occurs before the parole but Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s a premise of the parole.

the castration would occur before their parole. A judge, ā€¦ would decide when the procedure could be stopped; or, the convict can decide to stop the procedure and serve out the rest of his term in prison.

It is part of parole. I donā€™t think they can impose penalties beyond your sentence (yet!).

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Guv Kay: ā€œNo babies for bad boys. Lots of babies for bad girls.ā€


And the rapist would have parental rights.

Alabama racing back to the 8th century.


Itā€™s probably ā€œimprovedā€ since the days they hounded Turing to death with this approach, but yeah, testosterone inhibitors have a bunch of side effects. They alter body hair growth, muscle/fat deposition and a bunch of other things. They also (reportedly) donā€™t necessarily quench libido so much as ability to have conventional sex (which doesnā€™t do you much/any good for many molesters)

So basically not that effective, and once the full sentence is complete you have someone who is probably even more pyschologically messed up than they were.


So weā€™ll just call Alabama the 22nd Reich??? What the hell are they DOING down there and do they ACTUALLY think this is what makes an AMERICAN?


They will release child predators who will continue to abuse children, probably worse because they will have a harder time getting off.


Calling the ghost of Alan Turing!

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Alabama Guv Signs Law Requiring Chemical Castration For Some Sex Offenders

There must be an exemption for ā€˜Bama GOP office holders.

I see what you did there.