Discussion: Alabama Guv Signs Law Requiring Chemical Castration For Some Sex Offenders

Which is a huge point.

Instead, it’s sending predators out into the community with a false sense of security based on the idea that rape and molestation are about sex, not power.


This is what I came here to say. There are many, many ways to sexually accost someone that do not require an erect penis. And it’s a psychological illness that predators have that I have read is really not “curable” (at least for pedophiles). Once it is fully proven that someone is a pedophile, I really don’t think they can be trusted near the object of their predatory desires, with or without dick.

As far as sexual predators who rape, beat up and/or kill their adult victims, that’s also a mental sickness that is driven by power, not lust. Not sure how this type of behavior can be “cured.” I would actually be afraid that castration would make this type of criminal worse, as they would be enraged about what was done to them and take it out on others.

This just seems like a throw back to Hammurabi…or at least Sharia law :smile:


What little I’ve read seems to say that there are therapies that reduce re-offense in cases where the offender wants to change, but that’s “reduce” rather than eliminate and depending on the offender’s intentions. If you read the cases of some pedophiles, they were horribly abused themselves, while others appear to be just stone predators. (Or maybe it’s the decades of having gotten away with it.) We also have a culture that encourages some kinds of pedophilia by sexualizing children, especially girls. And sexualizing childlike behavior, ditto.

Vasectomy, tubal ligation, iUD and/or hormonal implants should be offered freely to every American and strongly encouraged for convicts, addicts and everyone else who has caused an adverse childhood event.

Ivey: “But, not until after he’s been chemically castrated.”


Joni Ernst:Chemical castration? !? Why chemical?”


Alabama to Saudi Arabia: “Can we borrow your boner saw?”

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If it’s not actually castration, why does the TPM headline say it is?

Can we trade the tier of southern states for Mexico?

Does this mean that Roy Moore will be ‘nut-neutered’?

8th Amendment, anyone?