Discussion: Alabama Gun Rights Supporter Brings Loaded Pistol To Polls

Discussion for article #223481

“Them being freaked out doesn’t trump my right to open carry,” said Murphy.

Yes, it does. That’s why there was a sign.


Intimidation. Nothing lowers the number of people voting except having no one to vote for in Alabama who isn’t batsh$t crazy.


Two guesses who he voted for and your first guess doesn’t count.

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We have to do something about these men with extremely small penises that need to take their weapons to vote because of incredibly small penis-caused low self esteem. Why do men with microscopic penises need to take weapons with them everywhere they go? Men with average to large packages never need to take a weapon to vote.

Maybe we should just now allow such men (with microscopic penises) to vote? Show your manliness to prove you’re a Real American - to be able to vote.

That’s certainly not racial, so we’re good as far as the Constitution, right?

Nor does it trump other folks right to defend themselves from freaks like YOU that need to carry your penis extension on your hip. All we need to stop this “weirdness” is to have armed poll workers immediately shoot anyone coming in that is armed and not in a police uniform.


I;m waiting for one of “them” to say he can’t remember who to vote for without carrying a piece. Like those three things Rick Perry was counting in that presidential debate. If only he could have fondled his penis, uhm, gun.


I see this situation as analogous to the one hypothesized wherein someone falsely shouts “Fire!” in a crowded theater. The Supreme Court has ruled that that is not protected speech. On the assumption that there is indeed a constitutional right to “open carry” (an assumption I am not qualified to confirm or refute), that doesn’t necessarily mean that one should do so, because rightly or wrongly, the sight of openly armed citizens in places where you don’t expect to see them (e.g., the supermarket or a restaurant) does tend to make other people at best apprehensive and could incite a panic.


“…Them being freaked out doesn’t trump my right…”


"Them being freaked out doesn't trump my right to open carry."

Too bad your bad grammar doesn’t trump your alleged right to open carry.


Well, I guess I don’t want to keep the tragically under-endowed from voting altogether, if they will just leave their symbolic appendages at home when they vote.

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  1. Not a Liberal
  2. Whoever the NRA told him to

Was I close?


These wackos are truly sick, demented people.

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I’m thinking it’s only a matter of time before a “good guy with a gun” becomes a “bad guy with a gun,” in an instant, when confronted by someone reminding him that he can’t open carry in a restaurant, bar, polling place, etc.


So this is what we’ve come to.

Thankfully, here in horrible, crime-ridden, other-types-of-people-havin Brooklyn, this is one situation I don’t have to worry about.

Keep it up, boys. You made the NRA recant, but that guy was trying to tell you something. Forget compensating, what I’d really like to know is why do these guys feel so afraid that they have to carry a gun with them at all times?

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Nothing trumps your second amendment right to be an asswhole.

So, how much do you think it would cost to hire a few New Black Panthers to come “open carry” in a few southern towns and see if their right to do so supersedes the freak-outs that would engender?

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He should have been arrested and lost his legal ability to ever own a gun again. A polling place needs to be free of any possible intimidation or coercion.

There is some division within the gun-nut faction. Some ‘moderates’ (if you can call them that) are concerned that all of this, ‘nothing in the world trumps my right to shove my guns in your face’ stuff is going to hurt gun rights in general; that it will backfire and create pushback against these extremists. When the ‘moderates’ warn the extremists, the extremists then turn on the moderates and yell the same shit. “Your discomfort doesn’t trump my right to shove my gun in your face whenever and wherever I feel like it.”

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