“Should it become law, the abortion ban would punish doctors who perform the procedure with up to 99 years or life in prison.”
But what about the girls who receive abortions? Would they be charged with a crime? If not, why not?
Alabama doesn’t need Roy Moore, y’all.
A few more steps down this road and Alabama will be prosecuting women who seek abortions in other states.
May be time for them to stock up on pennyroyal, tansy, and Queen Anne’s Lace.
And coat hangers.
OT but I’ve never understanded the “incest” exception. I mean, raping a relative is still “rape” not “incest”, and isn’t consensual sex between adult relatives supposed to be treated as consensual sex between two unrelated adults?
What century are we in? This is just beyond belief turning the clocks back 40+ years. Willing to bet all the legislature are white men. I see the governor is a woman. This is just incredibly wrong.
25 white men from what I understand.
This is none of their business!
Just as Trump has deliberately cruelly gone after illegal immigrants in this country, the Republican party has targeted women. Women who are poor, women who have sex, victims of rap and incest. All of this right after so many women were voted into office. This is the playbook of reconstruction. Blacks were elected to office and white men Intimidated, brutalized, marginalized them and then took back power.
Every man in America with a conscience should be screaming bloody murder over this. It shouldn’t just be women who are fighting.
I’m a woman and I’m not disagreeing with you on their intent. However, women are also involved in this and they should not be excused from condemnation. The governor of Alabama is a woman.and women vote and lobby for these changes. They believe themselves to be crusaders for the unborn. I support their right to choose for themselves but not for everyone else based on a religious belief instead of science.
Now start calling GOP the party that’s pro-rapists! Message is important! Don’t let them occupy such a positive but misleading name as “pro-life”!
It bears repeating that, as made clear by Frank Schaeffer (Google him), the movement to restrict abortions was cynically boosted into the forefront as basically a wedge issue, an emotional issue, as a distraction. Keep people focused on something emotional like this, and they’ll not notice when you restrict their healthcare, as but one recent example of an important issue. It’s analogous to those to fomented racism as a means of preventing indentured servants from teaming up with slaves before the civil war. Give some of the susceptible people something to act on, and which some can benefit from (by virtue of getting elected), and you can prevent them from acting in their own best interests.
Observing what happened in North Carolina with its bathroom bill, economic repercussions from which resulted in the ouster of Governor McCrory, who stood behind that bill, gives credence to the idea that various economic sanctions could be helpful here, and in Georgia. Such sanctions provide motivation for people to actually think about what’s going on, when they see various sports events going elsewhere, for example, or companies deciding to not expand to or within Alabama, and announcing why that is.
But what about the girls who receive abortions? Would they be charged with a crime? If not, why not?
Those silly little women know not what they do ,which is why old white men have to pass laws to control their inpulses
Forced birthers is what they are…
These people are beyond despicable. After all the progress we have made over the years, one grossly illegitimate “president” provides the appointments necessary to put us all right back in the dark ages. You know their real aim is contraception, right? That’ll start to fall next…
If voter participation rates for young people and granny/gramps were reversed, we would be debating
whether of not a 9-2 liberal/conservative Supreme Court is better than a 11-2 one
whether or not public funding for needed abortions could be better implemented
whether or not to elect U.S. Senators based on population of state
whether zero carbon strategies could be achieved in 2025 instead of 2050
Medicare for all…how best to implement that
Should we return to the Eisenhower Administration’s level of taxation for the rich
Maternity leave nine or seven months
debt forgiveness for student loans and free college
Instead of dreaming up new ways to hurt people…
There is a vote we can use to elect our officlals…but we do not use it…at least the people who will need it most, as they are condemned to suffer for the bitterness (and voting discipline) of their elders.
Trump once told Chris Mathews there should be penalties for women who have abortions.
Or misoprostol, which is more effective and predictable than herbs that may or may not work.