Discussion: Al Gore Advisers: He's Not Running Against Clinton

Discussion for article #239427

Does it come down to tons of people are want anyone but Hilary Clinton that they’re willing to go for a disembodied head in a jar instead?


The NYT is insisting his spokesperson went on to say he invented 2016 rumors…


Sorry Al but we’re just not that into you anymore.

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Anonymous Democratic insiders, huh? I thought this was Horseshit from the beginning. Too bad Buzzfeed was quick to run with the story.

Real journalism is on life-support in this country. Dad was right. You can’t believe everything you read…and he said it long before there was an internet, before there was cable TV and Faux News was invented, and reporters all became opinion writers.


It smelled like b.s. to me.

Equally exciting news from the Biden camp. Joe talked to someone who talked to someone else who said Joe’s thinking about it.

Since we cannot post comments to the editorial blogs, I’ll just post it here: @JoshMarshall, I believe you are Spot-On with regards to Schumer, the Iran deal and whether or not his decision should disqualify him to lead the Democrats in the Senate. Schumer should step aside now, allowing others who might be just as qualified as Sen. Schumer but who will better serve President Obama’s foreign policy agenda, those of us who support the President here and the Democrats as a whole. I personally support Sen. Schumer in whatever his decision may be–as he should stand by his own convictions, however he came to believe them–but I personally do not trust Schumer’s judgment here, his stated reasoning.


Let’s return to Jeb! for a moment and tell me he’s not channeling the dumber brother…

Jeb Bush said on Thursday that, as president, he would not rule out waterboarding in interrogations, another instance of how his plans to fight Islamic terrorism have drawn comparisons to his brother’s administration.

I’m not ruling anything in or out,” He distinguished it from torture, which he said he would never allow. “There’s a difference between enhanced interrogation techniques and torture,” Mr. Bush said. “America doesn’t torture.”


During the 1990s, there were a bunch of “stories” about the Clintons floated by right wing billionaire funded oppo research disseminators that radiated stupidity. These stories were such powerful emitters of stupidity radiation that the stories glowed a poisonous, yet hazy, green in the dark. Sadly, that radiation was so powerful that it killed the careers of real, decent journalists who approached it too closely before recoiling in horror, driving them into retirement, and caused very serious brain damage to many others.

Predictably, the introduction of these lethal stupidity radiation emitters into the environmental niche formerly occupied by jounalists had the effect of changing the ecology, wiping out the original population and selecting instead for those who who could thrive in such an environment. These eventually split into two genera (blitzerus and dowdus) and further speciated in the newly cleared niche. The blitzeri could exist because they had already become as stupid as possible and thus could be made no more stupid by the contaminants. Rather, they could consume them and uncontaminated facts alike and convert them into a teratogenic but non-radioactive excretion of vapidity. The Dowdi, feed only on the stupidity rays emitted by the stories are deposited into their fields by the disseminators. Each time a new one plops, they rush to it where they engage in a competitive feeding frenzy which causes them to bloat up to an enormous size that temporally displaces blitzerus to the margins surrounding the stupidity deposit where they freed on the waste products of the various dowdus species ("Dowdus Nytis, Dowdus Waposus, Dowdus broderus–there are dozens of them).

So that’s my model of the current journalism ecology. And hey, the most you can ask from a model is that it explains observed facts and enables testable predictions, right?


Thinking people will readily agree with you, and I’d suggest Dick Durbin of IL who voted no on the Iraq war, and has worked quietly and steadily in the Senate Democratic leadership for years with no showboating.


I’m actually now certain that he is the dumber brother.

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There are two more brothers if I’m not mistaken, and each brother in his turn will prove to be the dumber brother.

Of course Al Gore is not going to run - he has already time traveled to 2017 and has confirmed that he does not win.

Shades of Futurama!

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Dowd doesn’t want to be mistaken for a female journalist, or a woman for that matter and goes to great lengths to show she’s one of the boys. She said of Gore whom she almost single-handedly destroyed.

Al Gore is so feminized and diversified and ecologically correct that he’s practically lactating.

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Gore 2.0. Now with laser-focusing action!


Durbin should be leader no matter what. Schumer can go kick rocks. Durbin would be the best choice. I do love Patty Murray too. Proud to have voted for her on her first run and a couple more times before I left WA.


The Brain That Wouldn’t Die

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