Discussion: Al Gore Advisers: He's Not Running Against Clinton

“He’s laser-focused on solving the climate crisis.”

Is he solving the climate crisis by focusing lasers?

Yes he is and this puts him in front by half a length (as Jeb rounds the 1st turn in the “get Trump” campaign):

“Today we’re having Secretary Kerry doing a victory dance in Cuba. It’s heartbreaking to see the lack of commitment to true leadership, and we’re going to pay a price.”

Jeb Bush speaking Friday on the reopening of the U.S. embassy in Havana. In a statement, the former Florida governor blasted the Obama administration’s new Cuba policy as “accommodation of the Castro regime.”

“Castro regime”?

You actually can comment on the ed blog articles, there’s just no link to the comment page from the article itself. Click on the “TPM Article Topics” at the top of this page, and it will show all of the discussion pages including for the ed blogs. The link for the Schumer one is

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It seems like some people want a rerun of 1988. Where’s Michael Dukakis when you need him?

Not since Paul Hackett…

“Internet controlable” laser-focusing action

Honestly and truly, I believe a lot of this is pushed by the media. They don’t want Sanders, O’Malley or anyone else who is an unknown quantity in the race this year any more than they wanted them in 2008. The media wants to write lazy stories that amount to plugging in bits and coming out with a cohesive-ish story.

I’m disappointed with Schumer in this. I’m sorry, but the deal is a boon all around and the US gives up next to nothing, really. This is just playing into his base in the area around NYC. I’d say Leahy or Durbin.

Jeb Bush, along with many in the PNAC and the GOP still believe we’re in the middle of the Cold War. Never mind that we look like rank hypocrites for going after Cuba when Saudi Arabia is worse with regards to human rights. What Cuba and Iran come down to is we’re punishing these countries for refusing to play by our tune. None of it has to do with human rights. What these schmucks never learned is that things like sanctions actually strengthen a dictatorship because it gives a country an external enemy to blame everyone’s hardships on. Why do you think Saddam Hussein was so desperate to keep the sanctions going. Of course, he miscalculated and nothing he would have done would have stopped G.W. Bush from going to war- a war which, according to some in the Pentagon, has diminished our ability to respond to Vladimir Putin.

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Thank you very much.

Actually, in Jeb!'s case, it’s simpler than that. He’s been drawing on those fat Cuban-American millionaires to fund his campaigns for decades now. And those wallets are like Aladdin’s lamp. If you want anything to come out of them, you’ve got to rub them. Well, okay, Aladdin’s lamp may not have been the most accurate possible metaphor for those wallets, because you’ve got to lick them, not rub them, to get anything out of them, but this is a family site.

And that’s what this is–speak the ancient magic words to the old emigres and the first generation raised up in their rage at the loss of everything (freedom and home and family for the best of them, neo-feudal exploitive enterprises for the worst), and shazam, the money flows.

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