Is Kelly completely gone now? Doesn’t draw a check, is no longer answerable to Trump, doesn’t have any ongoing connection to White House?
The opinions on this aren’t definitive. Mulvaney could be called to testify in his capacity as OMB Director, for one thing. Also, the president’s right to privacy in his communications isn’t absolute. Nixon discovered that the legitimate pursuit of truth in a criminal inquiry can outweigh executive privilege.
Not that Trump gives a shit about the legal arguments over any of this, of course.
Note to TPM authors who would partake of the bothsider well: this is how you do it. Three unvarnished grafs describing the shitshow for what it really is.
Pelosi will get over it, but she won’t forget it. She’ll strike back when the time is right, and Trump, Mulvaney, et al, won’t know what hit them. I’m looking forward to that, actually.
Almost certainly not a C-141 because those puppies were retired in 2006.
It was probably a C-32, the Air Force’s version of the Boeing 757. If it wasn’t a C-32, it was a C-37A: the Air Force’s Gulfstream V.
If Drumpf had wanted to be mean, he would have given Madame Speaker a C-130.
ETA (Slightly OT): As an added “neener-neener” to Speaker Pelosi, Induhvidual-One dispatched a C-32 to haul Melanomia’s implanted ass down to Mer E. coli for the weekend.
Wait! Trump only has an acting chief of staff. Putin hasn’t picked a real chief of staff for him yet.
Pelosi’s tat was greater than Trump’s tit.
If this had been polling well it would be all Trump’s idea. For some reason, it’s been revealed that this is staff’s idea.
Governance by middle schoolers?
As fat as tRump is I suspect his man boobs are pretty big.
This story just got a whole lot worse. People in the administration also leaked details about the commercial flight they were going to take.
Because of this, Pelosi et al postponed their trip.
That would be awesome
You must be in a good mood today. You’re being very generous. I’d’ve placed it more at second grade or below.
That backfiredasdrumpfieditard ciward and audeshave majorrotten eggson thier facestoday…likeattracts like…drumf and gaggle of nobodues !!
Would you expect anything less from a founding member of the Free Dufus Caucus
Eeeeeew…now I’ve gotta go to YouTube and watch some kitten videos to clean that image out of my brain!
Sandbox bully throws fit after getting a timeout.
Unfortunately, they forgot to ground FLOTUS. The incompetence is simply over the top.