Discussion: Aides Including Mulvaney Goaded Trump To Ground Pelosi’s Flight In Retaliation

I think (besides being sexist pig) it was Drumpf being fooled by Nancy’s smile. After all, during the entire coup’s duration, she was not the speaker.

But, actually, it was during the Town Hall with Joy Reid and surrounded with friendly folks that Nancy showed me something I have seen in some rare military commanders (no…not the fake-macho ones) when she addressed serious issues.

She looked and sounded serious and conveyed that.


This is the concluding paragraph from a profile of Mulvaney in The Economist (online). The print date is 01/19/2019, so they have a day to revise, should they choose to do so.

“Mr Mulvaney has become less of an extremist. Perhaps his uncompromising former views said as much about the apoplectic state of his party as his view of government. Extremism was the quickest route to advancement for an ambitious Republican in 2010. And Mr Mulvaney’s manifest ability to know which way the wind is blowing is also faintly reassuring. Mr Trump’s embattled presidency will soon be held to account for the first time, by House Democrats and other investigators. Mr Mulvaney, a lawyer by training, will be careful what presidential actions he is associated with.”


What do you want to bet that one of these idiots even put forth the idea the they let the plane take off … and then blow it out of the sky… then after a hearty laugh somebody said ‘probably should not do that’


According to a Thursday New York Time report, Mulvaney and the other disgruntled aides goaded Trump to knock her down a peg especially after her proclamation about the legislature being a coequal branch of the government.

Future historians and political science professors will refer to this phenomenon as the “Middle and Aging White Male Circle Jerk Sausage Party Phenomenon” that at particular moments and during certain crises, causes certain politicians to be blind to predictable consequences of purely symbolic actions.


… oops … & … as my GPS says …


Ha, ha! Talk about spin.

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I don’t believe they can call the CoS to testify. His is not a confirmed position and he works in the executive office of the president. Privilege would apply.

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Donald slowly getting a staff that’s as petty and childish as he is.


His aides encouraged him to confirm once again that he’s a thin skinned fool. None of them seem to realize that some people are impervious to petty insults, which actually gives them great power over you because you can be so easily manipulated by your emotions. Whereas they are cool, calculating and unaffected.

For Pelosi it was just another chess move in a high stakes game.


To me she was always just a presence, a name in headlines. But paying attention, yeah, she’s serious. Trump was fooled because she understands the honey and vinegar thing. Any politeness leaves him thinking he’s quite the charmer. But she can think fifteen moves ahead and she can make sacrifices for her strategy, while he has trouble remembering which color his pieces are. Sad!


Like them or not, with Kelly and Mattis gone, there are no restraints left: The toddlers are running the Daycare.

The United States of America will survive, the Republican Party, maybe not so much.


It’s nice to know that Donnie surrounds himself with entitled little fkers from all stripes. They could all use a CIVICS class followed up by history. Miserable jackwads.


Other polls indicate some cracks in the normally rock-solid support from white evangelicals and white men without a college degree. His support from GOPers overall is down 6-7 points compared to pre-shutdown levels.


Mulvaney may have come up with this plan just to change Trump’s mood which might have been more nuts than usual. He bought 12 hours of relative tranquility, but I expect the news today will put Trump right back to whatever crazy state he was in yesterday. He can already see that even the rubes were not impressed by the Pelosi plane grounding and if today turns out to be an impeachment Friday, whoa Nellie!


Only the best people.


“Some of President Donald Trump’s staffers—including acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney—had a thirst for revenge after reading House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) State of the Union lette”

"Castles made of sand fall in the sea eventually.

Jimi Hendrix"

Trump’s lackeys are as awful as him, and “tea party” right wing fanatic Mulvaney is one of the worst. It appears the remaining members of Don the Con’s “administration” are as off the rails as him and accelerating his descent into madness.


I had my money on Miller. Good to know there’s another supreme asshole in the WH.


Just what we need is another corrupt weakling trying to prove his manhood.


So the reason why this is a big deal (sorry if everyone else here figured it out) but canceling Pelosi’s trip was childish and dangerous. The Speaker of the House is second in line, after the VP. On 9/11 Bush was in FL, and Cheney was out of DC too. So the up until 9/11 Speakers flew commercial, after 9/11 they fly military.

So back to the childish this was a working trip, she was going to visit service members and their commanders, in a war zone. These trips are not announced, they aren’t commented on until they’re back on US soil.
So we know we have President who doesn’t understand government, and now we know he doesn’t care about anyone else’s safety but his own. And his staff is just as childish and mean as he is.