Discussion: After Worst Shooting In US History, GOP Struggles To Answer For Its Nominee

No, Senator Cornyn. This isn’t about counterterrorism or guns. This is about the death of 50 gay people in Orlando, which a sizable majority of your seething, hateful base are gleeful over.
When is somebody finally going to start shouting this to the rooftops? This tragedy is the result of the constant and always-excused - by both the media and the political class - demonization of the gay community. That’s why when some Teabaggers who won’t bake a cake for a same-sex marriage cry “RELIGIOUS BIGOTRY!”, I’m ready to rip some throats out, because the only bigotry committed is by these Christianist and Muslim and other crazy religious fucknuts themselves.


Here Dimwit Donnie , take this shovel , keep digging


The material below is excerpted from a HuffPo article coming out on 13 June a 6:52 PM EDT

It is clear that the United States is going to have ONE EVENT (The November General Election) to stop Trump. This is with the knowledge that the GOP has at least 17 ways to obstruct the vote and cheat. Trump does not sound like a person who will abide by any rules other than the force coming from the 100,000,000 Americans who adore him.

  • The same Americans the MSM is both hustling and are afraid of
  • The same Americans the GOP is afraid of
  • The same Americans who have no problem with what Trump is described as advocating
  • The same Americans every one of their victims have been afraid of throughout the nation’s history

I dunno…Our side may not be up to the task of fighting our own relatives, neighbors, spouses, co-workers and friends

HuffPo Excerpt:

["WASHINGTON — Donald Trump ramped up his earlier call to ban Muslims from entering the country in a high-profile national security address on Monday — and made clear he believes he can do it with or without congressional approval.

“The immigration laws of the United States give the president powers to suspend entry into the country of any class of persons,” Trump told a small audience at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire. “I will suspend immigration from areas of the world where there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe or our allies, until we fully understand how to end these threats.”

Trump’s promise to act unilaterally comes at the precise moment that GOP leaders in both the House and Senate are trying to rally Republicans behind their controversial presidential nominee-to-be with arguments that Congress could check his impulses."]


Thank You


Donnie won’t need Hillary’s encouragement. He can’t resist the sound of his own voice and the sight of microphones and a crowd.

No mercy, Hillary. Show him no mercy.


I guess that’s the new game plan from here forward: Don’t comment on anything related to Trump

What a hoot! Tough talking Republicans cowering from 'Murican leadership.

Bunch of spineless wussies.


Maybe a metaphor would sink in to the schoolmarm:

“Stop talking about the 30-mile-wide asteroid due to hit earth on the first Tuesday of November 2016…THE ASTEROID THAT 100,000,000 OF OUR FELLOW CITIZENS ARE GOING TO FACILITATE STRIKING EARTH”


In a campaign filled with nightmarish idiocy, dangerous proposals, and lies, Trump topped himself yesterday when he rushed forward to try and capitalize on one of the worst tragedies in our history: “Obama’s fault for being political correct.”; “Obama and Hillary won’t say ‘radical Islamic terrorism’ and they are enabling terrorism.”; “Hillary only gives lip service; I will be true friend and protect our LGBT citizens.” (That one just made me recoil.); “Obama might know much more about Islamic terrorism than he lets us know. I’ve heard that.” (Total insanity but fuel for the mouth breathers.)…and on, and on, and on it went.
Even many of the Republicans who have stated their support for him were taken aback and ran for the hills. And any thought that they can ‘tame’ him or ‘control’ him should, at last, be finished. He is your nightmare Republicans. You created him. Now enjoy him.


They own him alright.

EVERY Republican Office seeker and Office holder agrees 100% with EVERY FUCKING THING THIS PSYCHOPATH HAS SAID, IS SAYING, WILL SAY. There is no other interpretation.


Because Trump is USING the status and weight of a Major Political Party. Theirs


To be sure, Trump is simply voicing what dyed in the wool conservatives think (and tell each other on fb). He says the things publicly and loudly that they used to whisper to themselves in their little echo chambers.

He has no filter and it is going to destroy the conservative movement, at last.

Because the vast majority of people want nothing to do with that way of thinking.

Let him talk, his negatives among Republican voters have exploded to 65% according to the most recent Gallup data.

He’s well on his way to a total electoral and popular blowout and is likely to bring down the whole building around him.


That is the “strength” of the gop…they can and will stick on message to a fault…Right or wrong they will not deviate from the propaganda…that is why they are paid the big bucks…

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Exactly. Every day, every hour, every second, ask them why they nominated a psycho, a weakling. He must be exposed day in and day out.


John Cornyn: “This isn’t about guns.” That’s what his contributors say.

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Wow – for Republicans, that’s pretty bad (for Trump – and them), but good for us. Now, if only we can count on a real sizable chunk of that 65% acting on those negatives–by either voting HRC, third-party or sitting on their thumbs in November–this nation might have a good chance of really dealing with actual issues we’re facing.


That one struck me as well. To continue to dive deeper into the loathsome depths of vile political expediency should be a struggle for actual humans but this reptilian cretin does it effortlessly. Was this the time for an extremely lame joke? McCon seems to think so but he’s an overloaded drum of toxic waste.


If you think any GOP apparatchiks are going to buck Comrade Chairman Trump you’re dreaming!

Gary Johnson has a historic opportunity right now to move in and surpass Trump. The potential is there for Republicans to cross over and cast protest votes for the Libertarians.

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Actually most hunters will take more than one shot, but you are correct a 30 round magazine just leaves hamburger. Have some “patriot” neighbors who gather weekly for “target practice”. I’ve only been invited once, maybe because I actually hit the target with my first and only clip. Watched others burn through 100s of rounds and maybe hit the target 5 times. That is the real reason why these superheroes need the semi-automatic easily converted to automatic weapons, they just can’t seem to hit the barn door for trying.


Drumpf/Clinton are deadlocked in Utah with Johnson at 13%. The Libertarian candidate will likely capture a significant number of GOPer votes in November.




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