The irony here is that this is looking less and less like a fundamentalist terrorist attack and more and more like a personal grievance driven terrorist attack committed under the guise of religious fundamentalism. Mateen sounds as though as he was deeply in the closet, conflicted about who he was vs who he and his family thought he should be. I think we’ll find that he’s never had any real ties to any terrorist group, that his past terrorist threats were akin to an Italian kid in Louisville threatening to call his Mafia boss uncle in Sicily when the other kids make fun of him.
Someone is missing from the GOP machine, they have always had a talent to respond rapidly with a combination of fact and fantasy . Back in the Ronny Ray Gun days it just blew me away, this facility with the lie, the ability to lie with such conviction. The master is of course our former Vice President Dickless Cheney, no one lies with more authority than he. I predict he will come out of his deep deep underground lair soon to pronounce some strategy that follows Trumps general principles but stated with such authority and assuredness the American people will swallow it like just another piece of cheesecake at the end of a greasy shitty meal.
Cue the NRA propaganda, this time from the mouth of Cornyn, that any proposal “would not have stopped” Mateen. The Orlando massacre is in the past, therefore has a probability of 100%, unstoppable by definition. Can we please talk about stopping something like it – i.e., radicalized and/or unstable individual wants to harm innocent people – would that be okay?
Congress, there are only two choices if you actually want to do something to reduce this threat:
- Reapply expanded surveillance of US citizens and residents, including warrantless collection of communications, a la Bush NSA programs Stellarwind and PRISM.
- Reduce and/or regulate access to weapons, for example reintroduce assault weapon ban or eliminate background check loopholes.
There’s no other way if, as I said, you actually want to do something. As always, Congress’ third option and the GOP’s panacea: do nothing.
Trump is gonna be a lot more accepting of the gay community and the issues that affect them than someone like Ted Cruz for example. The Republicans will do and say anything to cut their losses. Nothing they say about Muslims and Gays is in the least bit true during an election year. They’re lying. I find Trump’s candor refreshing compared to all the carefully parsed talking points both R’s and D’s put forth.
Let’s face it, we’re screwed no matter who gets elected. Going backwards is not acceptable and going forward to accommodate the few in this politically correct nightmare landscape of a liberal utopia is terrifying.
What you call candor, intelligent people call dangerous. In your fairytale, Trump is trying to get elected president by pointing out the hypocrisy of establishment Republicans. He’s attacking Republicans to attract “alienated” and or dysfunctional and or radically right Republican voters. That’s exactly how ISIS attracts terrorists who are “alienated” by Americans who invade and or hate on Muslims. Isn’t it?
How many times do we have to hear ‘the guns were purchased legally’ before we institute some control over these merchants of death?
Fvck the Second Amendment. The preamble to the Declaration of Independence carries more weight (to me at least) and there are thousands and thousands of citizens denied their right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness because some damn man-child wants to buy an army gun.
There is no purpose to these weapons other than killing people. And if you buy one, it’s safe to assume that’s what you have in mind.
“I’m my usual loquacious self right now,” McConnell said.
Is that anything like Loquacious of Borg?
OOops, my mistake. That’s Locutus of Borg.
However, McConnell has nothing on Jean Luc Picard when it comes to being a part of the (Republican) Hive mind. That collective is impenetrable. Just ask anyone in the press.
Sorry. Best I got. These Pukes are nothing but intransigent, unaccountable elected officials and by-golly, they’re determined to keep it that way.
That is a good point, Trump, if applying for a TS or TS/SCI clearance as an employee or contractor, would never pass the background based on his failure to pay just debts, drug use, and his ability to be coerced by a foreign power through threats of the revelation facts. This is true of many asswipes in politics like that scum of the earth Jason Chaffetz and the list goes on
Keep asking, keep asking, keep asking. The standard bearer of the Republican Party is a bigoted know-nothing with a potty mouth and a narcissistic personality disorder, who just implied that the President of the United States is a traitor, and has demanded his resignation. Other Republican office-holders must be asked - over and over and over again - “Do you support what he says? Do you agree with his positions? Do you endorse his candidacy for President?”
I wish I could have put it into your words when I discuss this with my sister!!!
Thank You!
I fear all the hate in this world because of religion!!
Off Topic but has anyone seen this
Keep asking them about Trump. Every day. Make them continue to weasel on the record. Preferably with video. Every. Day.
Trump says things that rightwing media has been saying for years and years and years. Obama is a closet Muslim, he’s in cahoots with those who hate America, etc., etc. But before it was all dogwhistle rhetoric for the politicians, while the unhinged media said the insane stuff. But rarely if ever did the GOP repudiate the extreme elements of their media. This is why I find it interesting that suddenly the GOP thinks Trump has gone too far. They showed zero leadership over the years in reigning this crap in, and NOW they think HE’S gone too far?
The only GOPers who ever stood up against this stuff were those who were no longer in office. They would say, “This is not my GOP.” Or “I no longer recognize my party.” Or “We run the risk of alienating most of the country.” And then they would fade back into the woodwork, and the GOP would hum along with its wild media claims and dog whistling pols refusing to call out anyone about anything.
They were okay with this sort of thing for years (“Well, I don’t know if he’s a Muslim. He says he’s not. I’m sure he thinks he loves America.” Blah, blah, blah.), and NOW it’s too much. Ha. Reap it, you conniving sowers.
If Hillary is elected with less than a majority, which could happen if the Libertarians attract some of the Bernie voters, she will have to contend with the claim that she does not have the support of the majority of voters and is therefore not really President. This was a problem that Bill had. The Republicans always said he was an illegitimate President because he only had a plurality of the vote, not a majority (because of Perot). We want Republicans to vote for Johnson, but the Bernie people still should vote for Hillary. It is much harder for an “illegitimate” President to get anything done.
Once again, Trump demonstrates that he lacks both the judgment and temperament to serve as POTUS.
“The question I would ask them is, ‘Do you actually want to stop these things from happening?’ because this guy was not on the watch list. He’d been investigated twice and the FBI had cleared him so he was not on the watchlist,” Cornyn said. “This is really a counterterrorism debate. This isn’t just about guns.”
Says a guy that has never tried (for years, and failed, with no explanation) to get himself taken off the “no-fly” list… [sheesh] These Republicans are pretty brain-dead…
“I’m my usual loquacious self right now,” McConnell said.
Where “loquacious” is spelled “dumber than a fence post”.
Yesterday: “I am not going to make a career out of responding to every comment and every tweet,” [Sen. Roger] Wicker said.
Upon endorsing Trump: "Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee, and I intend to support him,’’ said Wicker, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee. "This election will determine the direction of the Supreme Court, the American military, and the future of our economy. The voters have spoken, and now is the time to unite.
I got news for you Sen. Wicker. You may not intend to make a career of responding to every comment, but you are already making a career of ducking every question about the candidate you endorsed. You own that. You’re chairman of the NRSC? Must suck to hold that position in a year you lose the majority.
They can’t even bring themselves to answer questions about Trump, but want to hand him the nuclear launch codes. Wish someone would press them on how they reconcile that one.