Trump is a loose cannon, firing on his own party’s position.
Dear admissions staff, we know our kindergartner is having severe behavioral problems right now, but we want to assure you that he’ll be fully prepared for your PhD program in five months, and we beg you to admit him.
No it’s really just about the guns. Semiautomatic rifles and shotguns should be banned completely. Magazines should be limited to six rounds. Hunters who can’t hit a deer with one shot have no business taking that shot and should develop a little skill at the range. Or hunt with a good camera instead. People who can’t defend themselves with a revolver should revaluate their fantasies.
Gee, that would require them to call out their hate-filled, shitting-in-their-pants base of primary voters (and to a lesser degree, their general election voters) – and we just can’t have that, now can we?
Dance like there’s nobody watching.
Love like you’ll never get hurt.
Blurt like there’s no recording.
Tweet like you rule the earth.
Jesus, I’m having a bad morning. Is it too early to start drinking ?
“I will support the nominee.”
TPM and the internet are like a buffet, it is really easy to avoid Trump related crap if you really want to, but if you want to read about USA politics, presidentials politics of course its going to be filled with Trump. But in my Opera News site nary a word on the Trump, same for the cinematography sites. As for TV nothing about Trump on velocity or any car show etc. If you have Trump overload change up your behavior. A week after I got home in Europe I realized the fact that I didn’t have cable TV had exorcised Trump from my life, and god it felt good.
Yes, Communism’s lots of fun
'Cause there’s so much to do!
You never know who’s thinking what,
Or who is watching you.
-The Other Family, 1962
And in the article on the left column this:
Dan Senor, a Republican strategist who served in the George W. Bush administration, told CNBC’s John Harwood in an e-mail that Trump’s comments on Obama “should be [a] serious concern” to officials tasked with providing classified briefings to Trump.
Ya give the inmate the key to the asylum
I disagree. Josh has stayed a constant, but they’ve also added more of a news segment to TPM. You don’t have to read the newsfeed if you don’t want to and then it will be the same old TPM that you know and love.
The question to be asked of every one of those assholes
The entire GOP is the great danger presently facing this country. Trump is only its current manifestation - and he’s a perfect one to bring the GOP to its knees, which is what is happening, fast, before our very eyes. Let’s not forget Trump’s many recent and long gone forerunners, starting with dubya and dick, but the list of domestic criminals like them is almost endless, and growing by leaps and bounds within the cabal we know as GOP.
The leader of the Senate Republicans thinks this is all just a joke.
No wonder terrorists are using American semi-automatic guns to mow down American citizens by the dozens.
Congress thinks it’s funny.
What struggle? What crisis of conscience? Prove to me that anything said or done by Annoying Orange isn’t tacitly believed and approved by the GOP. Prove it. I want to see a list of every GOP member who has gone on TV and shed any tears over the gay community during the aftermath of this tragedy, and said that this attack is the result of demonization by anti-gay forces in this country going on forever. Prove it…
Oh, and my “thoughts and prayers” to any GOP politician who gets their teeth kicked in by a really pissed off gay constituent. Am I being offensive? Why, yes I am, dear! Am I advocating violence against anti-gay Republicans and Christians? Why, of course not! I am just exercising my religious freedom to hate whoever the hell I want. If some Constitutionally-protected, foaming-at-the-mouth, rabidly anti-gay preacher can call for the death of gay people in America, over and over, for decades on end, then surely I can call for a few kicked asses in Congress and state legislatures, can I not? I mean, this IS America, isn’t it? And I won’t even have to use a gun. I am not a pussy like a Teabagger Republican. I don’t need a gun to kick their asses.
“I am not going to make a career out of responding to every comment and every tweet,” Wicker said.
Wanna bet, Mr. Wicker?
Let Trump be Trump.
We know all we need to know about Donald Trump. He is Katrina bearing down on all of America. His destructive wind has already reached our shores. But Americans do not run from disaster. We face it together, put aside differences, pick up the pieces and rebuild, building something better in the wake of each American way of life threatening surge. If we do that now, join together across party lines, across religious lines, across ethnic backgrounds, across gender differences, across sexual orientations, across generations, to work together as one people, we can build a better country with a vibrant two party system capable of consensus, compromise, and thoughtfully principled disagreement. The result will be a better center-left Democratic Party and a new strong center-right party arising out of the shambles of what was once the Republican Party. And the best outcome will be country and a political system capable of facing down any threat and seizing opportunities fairly shared by all. It is time to set aside divisions in the face of a common danger, to unite and save our souls.
Spot on.
Hopefully Hillary will keep encouraging Trump to speak his mind on various issues of the day as he now is doing with this mass shooting.
First and foremost, if you don’t like this website, get the hell off of it.
Second, you couldn’t be any more wrong. Rump is the leader, the standard bearer, of one of two national political parties. He’s not “Some Dude” running on a down ballot ticket. he’s reshaping the discourse in this country in ways not seen since the turn of the 20th C.
It’s not too much of a stretch to say that Rump is severely mentally ill. That he can walk away with, at least, 25% of the national vote is real indictment on American society. This is deadly serious and we need to keep on top of it. All of it. Rump doesn’t exist in a vacuum and he didn 't come out of nowhere. KEEP HOUNDING the Rethugs and make them own him. Make them answer for why he represents them and why they’re supporting him.