Discussion for article #246116
Not a smart move, Trumka.
The election this fall will be won by Hillary Clinton or a Republican. What’s left of union workers can play a large part in saving the country … or not.
Why the AFL-CIO would vote for HRC is beyond stoopid. Thank you Mr. Trumka.
Good. Smart move.
Smart move, Trumka.
The election this fall will be won by Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton or a Republican. Union workers will play a large part in saving the country.
Smart move, Trumka
It´s the board´s decision, acutally, K, so no need to go after Trumka.
well i guess we should just call it for Sanders now, he is up in those polls which are completely accurate.
I was actually thinking that there could be hell to pay when Clinton wins. If he really thinks Sanders is gonna pull a rabbit out of the hat, endorse him now. Does Trumka really want the AFL-CIO endorsing a socialist? Bad move.
Really? Hell to pay? Whose side is Clinton on?
how dare we consider her heir apparent is not such a shoe-in.
Considering how many states have gone Right-to-Mooch in the last 5 years or so, that doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. Union workers just don’t have that much clout anymore and supporting an Independent Socialist isn’t going to get them much.
Thats not what my comment was about. It’s about that type of match up poll which gets used all the time to defend Sanders even though it doesn’t really matter.
I am sure abandoning the party that is defending their existence is a great idea.
“What’s left of union workers” is right. And Bill Clinton saw to that by making it sooooo easy to send the good union manufacturing jobs out of the country. After awhile the whole Clinton campaign starts to sound like a ransom note.
So I guess there was no chance of them endorsing Sanders if this is a “win” for him.
“After awhile the whole Clinton campaign starts to sound like a ransom note.”
Ain’t it so.
To be clear: I was a Teamster and I have nothing but support for Unions (well, except the PBA but that’s another story) but the fact of the matter is Eugene V. Debs in NOT coming back. Those days are over.
So, Clinton´s gonna go after unions if they don´t kowtow now?
Good to know before the election!
“I am sure abandoning the party that is defending their existence is a great idea”
LOL! Democratic Party defending unions. How so?
Fine. Then we’ll see what the rank and file thinks of alining themselves with a Socialist. It should be received well.