What are you talking about? Abandoning the party by supporting one or the other of the Democratic candidates.
Oh, or is this one of those “Sanders isn’t a Democrat” things. In that case, whatever.
What are you talking about? Abandoning the party by supporting one or the other of the Democratic candidates.
Oh, or is this one of those “Sanders isn’t a Democrat” things. In that case, whatever.
If a Republican wins the WH you can believe that collective bargaining will be a thing of the past. Not that that would bother you.
Sanders is an Independent Socialist. A fact which will be hammered home repeatedly in the next few weeks. Get ready for it.
Yes, and BOTH of our candidates have electability issues.
Oh please. Bring me the polling after the GOP spends months attacking Bernie as a Communist and then we’ll see what things look like.
Oh, did I mention a socialist? Actually, not. Just pointing out the Clinton legacy of sticking up for the American worker. Of course I’m ready for Hillary, or whatever one and only hairball the New Democratic Party coughs up for us. And welcome back Henry K !
One of the candidates is going to be roasted over the media flames. The other one already has been.
Hillary is the steady known, while the Republican side is a bunch of unknowns in terms of what people will expect when they are elected. Just need to hammer that the last 8 years have been good and lets continue for another 8, and with the SCOTUS change… oh man so many issues that have been held back will start going the left way, going to make a huge difference.
Why would you spout such nonsense? Because I support Sanders in the primary?
Just stop it.
Hey man, then he should’ve run on the Socialist ticket.
This makes sense for them if they don’t overplay their hand. If they have enough influence here to make a difference, then they can likely get some concessions from their candidate of choice. So, even were they inclined to back Hillary, they can be a bit cagey and get some extra consideration. Similar deal if they back Bernie. The risk there is that they wait too long or back the wrong candidate, of course.
. . . and the roasting has taken a toll.
Yes. The GOP will be much more reserved with Clinton.
No, Hillary is better than that. She will not hold a grudge, and she will receive union support in the general.
I’d change the words “most reserve with” to “more afraid of” Clinton. Republicans with half a brain know they could beat Sanders handily in the general.
But, dear, Clinton is not the Democratic party. I’m sure they will back her if she becomes the nominee of the Democratic party.
I know that it’s been challenging to notice, but it turns out that the GOP has been aware of Hillary for some time and has already been attacking her for years now. So, I don’t expect that they’ll be more reserved, but since she’s still standing after all of the slime thrown at her, she’s a known quantity in that regard.
That the Bernie fans drink deep from the right-wing propaganda mill to attack here is disappointing though. I’ve never seen more “liberals” linking to breitbart and company than I have in the past few months.
And since Sanders is also not the Democratic Party, I’m sure he will tell all his followers to support her.
Correct. It’s made her stronger for it.
Riiight, because a third party run by Sanders would be so good for Democrats.