“I did it out of my own heart,”
hard-hearted, stony-hearted, cold-hearted
“I did it out of my own heart,” Hannity said.
That’s his least vulnerable spot.
Hear that? That’s the sound of a new job opening at Fox.
Apparently his cardiovascular system is directly connected to his wallet.
"That’s been the beauty of Fox News all these years. They leave me alone.”
We used to do the same thing with the crazy uncle who ate his own boogers.
Perhaps Beck, O’Reilly, and Hannity can band together, and produce a RWNJ outlet that out-Foxes FoxNews. It could be sponsored by the gold-peddling crooks and the survivalist food suppliers.
It would look like some of the more bizarre stuff you see on public access channels.
Oh, No !
Last show? From Sean’s mouth to God’s ears.
As I said yesterday in a comment, I think we’re witnessing the beginning of the end of Hannity at Fox News.
The Murdoch boys have been patiently but methodically cleaning house
(not that we will see a more liberal Fox News – just less embarrassing
and more serious) and my guess is Hannity will be gone as soon as the
dust settles and an opportunity presents itself.
Perhaps this Seth Rich debacle is that opportunity.
But to be fair, I’m sure you didn’t pay him 10M a year, buy him a fleet of lawyers, or send him on paid vacations when he flaunted too much. And if you did, would you like to adopt me?
Hannity =Vanity- Inanity Insanity and on and on.
Hannity is about to feel the sting of the “free market”… Couldn’t happen to a better guy!
Does anybody know if Sean has been planning a vacation. Were “the arrangements, including airline and hotel reservations, for this vacation made last October”? Has he announced a contest so the incontinent and homebound can guess where he’s going? Does this vacation include accosting the Pope?
So many questions.
I’m beginning to wonder if Tea Party financiers have reached their point of diminishing returns yet. I don’t suspect they’ve even calculated it out that closely, but at some point it’s got to become obvious.
Well at least he is admitting they are “Trump media” and not an actual news organization.
I’ve been hoping these sourpusses would get booted for years. But I always assumed it would be in a way that shamed them so publically and totally that the damage they could do would be limited from there on. Maybe with oreilly it was.
But this ahole is likely to get a fat contract with a web casting or nonterrestrial radio company. Or possibly appointed to a role in government. The actual fucking government. They’re flunking UP. Highly depressing.
The Fox lineup of party before country pundits doing the bidding of billionaires is being replaced by vacuous and ego-maniacal know nothings. I wonder if that would hurt their ratings in the long term.
“But we don’t want the Irish.”
I’ve had Allstate renter’s insurance for 20+ years. They are one of Hannity’s main advertisers. I emailed the corporate office with my disgust that they would advertise on his show and said I’d switch to another carrier if they continued. I received a terse and tepid reply which merely said that they “made note of my concern.” I then emailed my local agent and told her to make note that I had requested and received a quote from State Farm, and that she should “note” it. My policy expires 10/18. If by June 18, Allstate is still advertising on Hannity (if he is still around), I’m switching. I blame Hannity and the other vile brood at Fox for turning my 90 year old mother into an angry, (more) bigoted, hateful person. Can’t forgive them for that.
Ode to Sean Hannity
by John Cleese
Aping urbanity
Oozing with vanity
Plump as a manatee
Faking humanity
Journalistic calamity
Intellectual inanity
Fox Noise insanity
You’re a profanity