Discussion: Advertisers Ditch Hannity's Show After He Pushes DNC Hack Conspiracy Theory

Watch for the Sinclair News outlet that is under development. I understand their position is to be even farther to the right than Faux.


Fox News must do genetic testing during their employment screening process. Having a damaged chromosome sequence is required.


Their corporate office has an annual “Pray Away the Gay” picnic.


I am repeating myself at this point, but tormenting the grieving family of a young man who was murdered by fabricating wild stories about his involvement in some crazy plot is obscene. It is ghoulish, the equivalent of abusing his corpse. There have to be some companies out there that are simply offended by the sheer cruelty of Hannity’s gleeful obsession with this tragedy.


I don’t know if I should be excited about this. I despise Hannity and would love to see him get what’s coming, but there’s always another rat ready to crawl out of the hole he came from. Unfortunately, I don’t see much changing. With Breitbart, etc, these haters always seem to land on their feet.


“Did Hannity do last show” if not he’s getting close to. Got to thank donald ignorance and stupidity. not only did he show how stupid he is but republicans are being destroyed by the idiot to. First fox news brought down more then a few notches republicans can’t pass crap because the allowed donald to do what ever he wanted and he is destroying their agenda and now the country is beginning to fire republicans .Democrats are starting to win special elections.
Good job donald keep up the irresponsibility.

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Love it!!

I don’t know if hannity can be replaced. no easier then limbaugh who sits in some closet somewhere talking to himself.

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going to look foolish


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It really should be no surprise that Hannity is under pressure. It probably isn’t the Seth Rich story that is doing it. After O’Reilly and Limbaugh turned out to be poison, brands are staying clear of right wing gasbags in general.

The big liability for Hannity is that he is the last of the major right wing bloviators left standing. Limbaugh has been reduced to minor league status. iHeartMedia have been buying up tiny stations with weak transmitters that reach a handful of listeners just so they can dump Rush off onto that station to meet their contractual agreement to broadcast him in the major markets.

It is looking like Hannity will be gone before very long. Why take a risk and advertise on Hannity when there are plenty of other channels that don’t present a sudden boycott risk?

The state of iHeartMedia is another problem for the right. Romney’s crew bought it up in a leveraged buyout, loaded it up with vast amounts of debt and now its shares are worth $1.30, down from $39 a few years ago.

I seriously doubt Sinclair broadcasting is going to get anywhere either. There are no anchors left who are not mired in scandal.


This has been shown to be the way you finally handle these guys. Organizing a boycott is too time-consuming and you can’t be positive it’s honored. Going after their MONEY on the other hand, works. It’s a lot fewer people. It was applied to Glenn Beck, who stubbornly burned through 200 sponsors until he was down to gold hustlers and boner pills manufacturers. He also ate up I can’t remember HOW much of Murdoch’s money before Murdoch finally realized, that this guy is a Black Hole with eyes.

It didn’t take half as long to work the same magic on O’Reilly, because of Fox’s fuckups, Ailes’ record of mendacity and predatory sexual behavior and because the template had already been set with Beck.


Rumor has it that Hannity is negotiating with “The Sinclair News Network” to be their lead anchor.
FOX News is in serious trouble with the coming launch of “The Sinclair News Network” which is massively bankrolled by the billionaire-lunatic Mercers who gave us Donald Trump as President.

They have been buying up TV and Radio stations and Newspapers (recently they bought Tribune Corp. so they now own WGN and the Chicago Tribune) all over the country to build a new far, FAR Right-Wing network that will make Brietbart look like MSNBC to push their Fascist Propaganda and Christian-Dominionist, Dsytopian vision of America.
They are also moving into Facebook and YouTube channels to target the youth market, unlike FOX who stick to Cable News.

This is the American Version of Sheldon Adleson’s “Israel Hayom” (Israel Today) newspaper that he publishes FOR FREE that has taken over as the #1 Newspaper in Israel and is having huge influence upon politics there pushing his far-right conspiracy theories and support for Netenyahu and his cronies.

The Mercers plan on offering “The Sinclair News Network” to all the cable networks and radio cartels FOR FREE so you will not be able to escape it anywhere. Rumor has them picking up O’Reilly, Hannity, and even Limbaugh along with other Reich-Wingers you have (or have not) heard of along with the Brietbart stooges and even some of the Info-Wars morons.

The Mercers DON’T CARE if it loses tons of money, in fact that is the idea to offer it FOR FREE so it is guaranteed to take over the airwaves.


Methinks the alt-right has reached its apex and is now on the decline.

’As advertisers pulled out on Wednesday, Fox News’ Kimberly Guilfoyle
announced during “The Five” that Hannity would be on vacation on Thursday
and Friday and that she would be filling in for him. Hannity
also addressed his vacation in a bizarre tweet.'

It’s really not bizarre. Billo said the same thing–about his vacation being normal–when HE got his ass canned by the Murdoch Boys. Mr. Potato Head does not want his viewers thinking the same thing about HIM while he’s gone. Course, like Billo, he may not be asked back.


The problem with Hannity,O’Reilly,Limbaugh and their ilk is all you have to be able to do is talk which requires very little talent.
I am speaking from experience. I can’t write ,as you all know, but I can sling bull with the best of them.
There is a difference,I do it in jest and even then I am held accountable.
It always amazing to me that these types have a following and advertisers.

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So they’re kindred spirits with the majority of Americans. Sounds like a path to success.

Disgraced CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson does a half hour Sunday show for Sinclair now that is a catch all for winger nonsense…look for Seth Rich this Sunday.

It owns or operates more than 170 local television stations…including the nation’s top three: New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. With its new holdings, Sinclair would hold stations in seven of the biggest 10 markets.

Not all bright side though…Sinclair now holds massive debt with TV properties that will never recover their purchase value. But, with uber billionaire backing and the mind-control the game plan, normal market analysis might not apply.



“Nobody tells me what to say on my show. They never have and frankly they never will. I’m not that type of person you can say, ‘Go on air and say this.’ That’s been the beauty of Fox News all these years. They leave me alone.”

Ooooohhhhh… I’m just shivering at this display of manly independence, of rugged individualism, of forceful self-dependence. I bet all the women at FOX just hope Hannity will harass them.

I think we should all support Hannity with his aspirations to be left alone! In fact, we should Crowdfund the refurbishment of Ted Kaczynski’s cabin in the woods and Hannity can set up his own little mini-state.

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Is this what happened to “Trump TV” that was supposed to launch after Trump lost the election?

They’re going to match the average Fox viewer then.