Discussion: Activist Berates Chelsea Clinton, Linking Her Omar Tweet To NZ Massacre

It’s all a matter of perspective. To an ant, a molehill may well look like Mt. Everest.


Gender dysphoria? I just copy the history, you decide…


Ah, there you are.

Stories like this exist to separate and sow discord.

Yes they do and I wonder who’s responsible. And of course there’s Trump, stirring the pot.


Well, confused or confusing - take your pick.


Hey, what time is the shift change in St. Petersburg?


A disgraceful, misguided and factually flawed attack. It’s the kind of thing we saw a lot in 2016. However, I think the responses on Twitter were pretty sharp and will limit the fall out overall.

I do think Bernie should speak out on this for a few reasons, but I can think of one where it would be in his self-interest to do so. If you listen to Tucker Carlson and Rush Limbaugh they’ve already laid the groundwork to reframe the NZ white nationalist terrorist as a Berner who is framing conservatives to make them look bad. DT Jr already assailed this woman and came to the defense of Chelsea Clinton (irony is dead, I know). But that’s all part of the plan. There have been Bernie supporters who have been involved in some aggressive acts (e.g., Scalise shooting) and this woman’s unhinged rant against a pregnant woman at a vigil adds to the image that there is a left fringe out there that is a wee bit volatile. It would be good for Bernie to distance himself from such a fringe and it might earn him some respect among mainline Dems.


Because it was Sanders’ activist who attacked Clinton. Because it was Sanders aide who defended Omar by saying this:

[quote]“This is a serious question: Do you not think that the American
government and American Jewish community has a dual allegiance to the
State of Israel? [/quote]
(And by the way confirming that many, if not all, Omar defenders interpreted Omar’s statement the same way that her critics did.)


Not sure how that is better …

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All people are marks to Trump (except those he answers to). He searches for all that is good in us so that he can twist it to his purposes.


Oh, I thought they were called assholes. lol

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Good question. They’re certainly improving at their job from the old days, but slip-ups like this should be easy to avoid.


Only after he releases his tax returns. Until then, don’t want to hear a word from him.


The NZ prime minister’s words after the attack were awesome. “They are us!”


She’s handled the whole thing terribly:

Doesn’t she know it’s “too soon” to talk about gun control, when the country’s just had a terrible tragedy?

Maybe the NRA needs to give her a phone call to educate her about how to appropriately issue thoughts and prayers.


This is gross. It’s just really, really gross. She was there to honor the victims and support the Muslim community and this asshole made it all about some idiotic bone to pick with Chelsea’s parents. Let’s not pretend that’s not what this is about. This woman has lived an exemplary life and any issues any asshole, on the right or left, has with her is because of her parents’ policies which is about as stupid, misogynistic, and ridiculous as it gets. Grow up. Seriously, the lines between the right and the far left is increasingly blurred. One is just as mean-spirited, hateful, and irrational as the other.


It’s always been that way. The biggest worry that governments have is that the two extremes would realize just how much in common they have and band together. They could do a powerful amount of damage if they stopped attacking each other and focused on their common enemy.


Chelsea’s Clinton had exactly zero to do with any of that. She was a kid at the time. Do you blame the Bush twins for the Iraq war?


If you listen to Tucker Carlson and Rush Limbaugh they’ve already laid the groundwork to reframe the NZ white nationalist terrorist as a Berner who is framing conservatives to make them look bad.

Huh? Wow, you sure you just didn’t make this up? And Bernie should respond to this b/c he has nothing better to do with his time? This is so far ‘off B’way’ , way down the end of the AM dial. Laughable.

But this is my favorite: " It would be good for Bernie to distance himself from such a fringe and it might earn him some respect among mainline Dems."

I didn’t know Bernie was attached to “such a fringe.”

and it might earn him some respect among mainline Dems.

So you know, he has plenty of respect from Dems. And Republicans as well, that is if you read about foreign affairs and American wars - Yemen War Powers Resolution.

I heard a clip from Rush this morning - “far left - framing the right” was his thing. I didn’t hear him mention Bernie at all, but it was all about “the far left” - if he had used the world “false flag” I would have assumed I was listening to Alex Jones.


Both the far left and the right are now Populists and there are not two kinds of Populism - only one. One fatal proto-fascist political movement that has a demogogue and a bunch of cultists. Bernie spent time in Italy with the man who started the Populist Party there when he flew over there on that private jet and stayed in that incredible suite in that converted palazzo on the Piazza Borghese.

He met with Beppe Grillo. That’s the comedian who started M5S.

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