Discussion: A Cynical Cohen Tells Friends That He’s Not Counting On A Trump Pardon

A little slow on the uptake but a lot of fog to wade through I suppose.


I don’t give a shit if Cohen ever spends a day in jail or gets a criminal conviction. Actually were I to read Trump had pardoned him it might be the best news of the day. Go ahead, Donnie, stick your head in the lion’s jaws.


So two friends of his thought it necessary to go to the press about this? #PardonMeToo

“Boss, I miss you so much. I wish I was down there with you.”


It seems to me he is deliberately putting pressure on Trump TO pardon him. It may work. What then?


Loyalty only goes one way with tRump.


The role played by the press in conveying these hints from one criminal to another is … amusing?


Pig-Latinier Cohen: Addy-day! Ease-play ardon-pay e-may! I-yay am-yay ared-scay of-yay ison-pray!


Mikey has repeatedly been humming this Jeff Beck classic…

Well, I’m going down
Down, down, down, down, down
I’m going down
Down, down, down, down, down
I’ve got my head out the window
And my big feet on the ground


I do not trust anything this asshole says. Everyone keeps talking about dumb he is, but you know what? It wasn’t luck that allowed him to survive so long. He has to know a few things and know them well, and I just cannot shake the feeling that he’s playing a game that he’s good at.

Sure, he might get nabbed on something, but I just highly doubt the conventional wisdom that “he’s gonna flip any day now!” is right. And this entire Tom Arnold interference, swear to Koresh, just smells like some kind of con from several miles away.

If I’m wrong, great. But I always remember this good advice: “Trust no one, Mr. Mulder.”


Can he be compelled to testify if he is pardoned?

He may be more worried about actions from some of his associates from whom DJT cannot protect him, than from the USG.


He just has to be subpoenaed. He doesn’t have to be compelled. A pardon is not immunity or a blank check to do whatever you want using it as a shield.


Trump can pardon Cohen (though in light of what that does to Cohen’s 5th amendment rights, that may not be Trump’s best call) but he probably can’t easily pardon Cohen’s whole family. There’s been some stories noting that Cohen’s extended family may have been heavily involved in some of the financial dealings under investigation. This may be a case where Cohen badly wants to trade off a plea deal ratting out Trump in exchange for not indicting his extended family.


This would be one of the few smart comments I’ve ever heard out of Michael Cohen. Actually, he could shorten it for generality: “I’m not counting on Trump”, and just apply that as needed.

Only a fool would ever count on Donald Trump for anything. I doubt Melania counts on him for a fucking birthday card.


Donnie sends the birthday cards to Melanie. :smirk:


We are getting closer to the depths of pervasive corruption…imagine…a pardon for being a long term congenital criminal.


If cohen can’t count on a pardon and can’t count on a plea deal, what does that leave?

Are there any ankle monitors that go well with plaid?


The problem Cohen and Trump have is that the cops have Cohen’s every communication in their possession. I don’t doubt that Trump has solicited advice on what a pardon for Cohen might involve and it has been pointed out to him that it’s very hard to word a pardon that confers immunity from culpability for a range of activities that encompasses fraud, conspiracy, money laundering, and god knows what else.


Even if (or may ESPECIALLY IF) Trump pardons Cohen, chances are Cohen would face time in a NY State Prison.

He may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but Cohen knows he would probably prefer a Federal prison.

And cooperating with the probe might make the time spent there much less.

Donnie is soiling his Jumbo Sized DEPENDS on a regular basis.


Pardons are going to be problematic for Trump–most of the witnesses who know stuff have already testified before a grand jury. Once they are pardoned and refuse to testify, the court can admit the grand jury testimony through Rule 807 of the Federal Rules of Evidence. On the other hand, if you have pardoned, it would seem to me that you would lose your right against self-incrimination, because your legal jeopardy is now gone. Just a thought.